8 - Part C:


I woke up from the buzzer and realize that I was lying down on some kind of metallic bed that you see in an operations room.

"Oh you're up?"

Uncle Huck greeted me.


I said and got up from the metallic bed.

"Where's everyone?"

I asked.

"If you're wondering where everyone is, they already started the third round without you. See!"

Uncle Huck said and points at the holoscreens with his right thumb. My classmates where making their way towards the exit of each route.

"I see... Better join them then."

I said and walk towards the entrance of the maze.

Suddenly uncle Huck grabs my right shoulder.

"Sit this one out champ!"

Uncle Huck said to me.

"If I don't go there, they're out numbered."

I was trying to convince uncle Huck.

"Your classmate suggested that you should take a rest and leave it to them in this round."

"But If I do that, we'll lose."

"Lose? Look at the score board."

Uncle said that, I look at the score board.

It says, "Class 1-2: 2 Class 1-3: 0"

"Because of your efforts of protecting Aeris, you guys won the second round. At this rate, you guys might win this game or end up as a draw."

Uncle Huck explained the situation.

"I see... Alright then!"

Uncle Huck released his grip on my shoulder, and I lie down on the steel bed.

After that, I gently close my eyes.

"Oh yeah! The prefects will pick you up later after your final period for sexual harassment."

Uncle Huck said that, I fell off the steel bed.


"Just kidding!"

Damn it! That scare the hell out of me.

Now I'm wide awake.

I should give uncle Huck a pay back for that but right now I have no energy.

I sat on the steel bed and watch the game through the holoscreens.

My classmates did the same tactics that we did earlier during round 1 which is guard the exits of the five routes.

The only one who didn't have a pair in guarding the exit is Kana.

I thought Wren will end up without a pair since it was her fault that we almost lost at the second round. She's currently paired up with Ace. Ace must have suggested that she will be paired up with Wren so she can keep a close eye on her. I think it was a bad idea to do that because they might end up fighting each other like cats and dogs.

As for class 3...

"What the-"

"Whistle* Now, that's what you call tactics!"

Me and uncle Huck reacted to what we saw.

Instead of class 3 going through the routes normally, they were jumping from wall to wall like a ninja to scout the area. Is that how they ambushed us earlier?

"Hey uncle Huck isn't that against the rules?"

I asked uncle Huck.

"All I said is that you're not allowed to use brainwaves."

Uncle Huck answered me.

"I see..."

So you can use this strategy as well.

I just realize something.

"Wait! Didn't I use brainwaves earlier? I should have been out of the game then."

I told uncle Huck what was on my mind.

"All I said is that you'll receive a intense migraine if you do. I didn't say anything about being disqualified. Besides, when you feel pain in your head, you won't be able to use brainwaves properly since it ruins you're concentration. You should know that since you received a first hand experience."

Uncle Huck answered my question with some additional info.

"Yeah a first hand experience of hell. I thought my skull was gonna break open!"

I expressed my painful memories.

Seriously! That was the most painful headache that I ever had.

"Ha ha ha ha! Don't worry Linel! You'll get use to it!"

Uncle Huck said in an encouraging manner.

"What do you mean by getting use to it?"

I ask uncle Huck about that matter.

"You'll find out when you reach your third year. Now watch!"

Uncle Huck said turn towards the holoscreens.

I turn towards holoscreens as well.

Class 3 was still jumping from wall to wall to check where my classmates are. As for my classmates, they were oblivious to what was going on. Some of them are even getting impatient especially Wren. Sooner or later, some will leave their post and search for them.

"Do you see the difference between your class and class 3?"

Uncle Huck asked me while staring at the holoscreens.


I answered uncle Huck's question.

I can clearly see the difference between my class and class 3.

"So tell me."

Uncle Huck was pushing me to answer.

"Class 3 thinks outside the box."

I told him my answer.

"Is that all?"

Uncle Huck said like he was unsatisfied.

"And they're creative."

I said as an addition.


I clearly know what he wants me to say, but it's still hard to admit.

I decided not to answer him.

"What else Linel?"

Uncle Huck is pushing me.

I decided to play dumb.

"What else??"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"


"They have teamwork. Happy now?"

"There you go!"

They definitely have teamwork compared to us. The only reason why we won the first two rounds it's because I was sacrificed although it was my choice during the second round but still, it was Wren's fault that I had to do it.

"If you're blaming Wren for lacking teamwork, your dead wrong."

What is he psychic?

"How so?"

Even if asked uncle Huck about that matter, I still believe it's Wren's fault.

"Have you ever heard this saying before? In a team, one person's fault is everyone's fault?"

Uncle Huck asked me.

"Yeah I have heard of that before. That's a military saying right?"

I told uncle Huck.

"Yeah that's right but do you know the true meaning behind that saying?"

"No idea."

Yeah, I really have no idea.

Why would everyone take the blame of one person's blunder in the first place?

"It means unity."

Unity huh...

"I don't get it."

I told uncle Huck what was was on my mind.

"Did you see class 3 reaction when they lost the first round?"

Is this some kind of pop quiz?

"Yeah I saw their reaction alright! They didn't blame each..."

"You get it now?"

"So that's unity huh..."


I'm starting to get what unity is.

"I bet 50 credits if class 3 wins this round, your class will blame each other."

Uncle Huck said full of confidence.

"Uncle Huck isn't gambling against the rules?"

I said to him as a payback earlier.

"Get a grip Linel! That's just an expression!"

Uncle Huck was trying to make an excuse.

"Really huh..."

I said while looking at him unconvinced.

"Hey look! The winner is about to get decided."

Uncle Huck said trying to change the subject and turns his gaze towards the screen.

I did as well.

My classmates got impatient and start looking for them while the class 3 is slowly hopping towards the exit. Every time they were near one of my classmates, they slowly wait for them to pass by. While my classmate is quite far away from them, one of the students goes down and engage them in battle as a distraction. The reason why their shadows couldn't be seen because of the black walls and flooring of the maze. If it wasn't for the neon lights that is use as guidelines, I wouldn't know which way to go.

Class 3 keep on using the tactics until their V.I.P. which is the purple pony tail hair girl reaches the goal. I'm surprise to see my classmate didn't discovered them.


Class 3 has won.

After the game, the repairbots grabs everyone and brings them back to the entrance where we are.

By the way, nobody died in this round.

Everyone returned, class 3 is celebrating while my class is...

"It is your fault! If you didn't insist on looking for them in the first place, we would have won!"

"What do you mean my fault? You also agreed to look for them!"

"Now now Ace and Wren. Please don't fight!"

"Who's side are you on Aeris?"

"I- uh..."

My class is tatters.

Uncle taps on my shoulder.

"I told you so!"

Uncle said to me.

"Which is it?"

"I- uh..."

"Decide already!"

Ace and Wren demands an answer from Aeris.

This is getting annoying.

I decided to intervene.


I shouted and everyone including class 3 looks at me.

This making me feel awkward but I need to say what's on my mind.

"Losing this round doesn't mean anything much since we have the lead. So do me a favor and shut the hell up both of you!"

I said and look towards Ace and Wren.

After that, everyone didn't say a word including class 3.