Chapter 2: Bullying??

Normally when a student is being called at the principal's office, it's either because you've caused trouble or you have bad grades and need consulting. As for me, it's the latter. Reason why? I don't remember causing any trouble around school nor have any failing marks. So why am I here? I'm about to find out the answer to that question.

Damn! That's sounds so poetic!

"I want you to do something for me sonny."

Yup it's the latter alright.

"So what is it that you want me to do gramps?"

"I want you to investigate something for me?"


"Yes investigate."

"So what do you want me to investigate about?"

"If there's any bullying going on around the first years."

"So you want me to investigate about bullying huh... Why not let the prefects, or the teachers do it? I'm pretty sure that they could do a better job than me."

Gramps picks up his medium sized white tea cup filled with suspicious looking rainbow colored liquid that Louise placed on top of his desk earlier and takes a sip.


After that, he puts the medium sized teacup back on his desk and answers me.

"The prefects stand out too much and everyone behaves as soon as they see a teacher."

"Which means?"

"You're the only one I can count on sonny."

I can think of a lot of people who could do a better job than me like Kana. She was able to get my private info after all. (Chapter 4 part E)

While I was thinking about all the people who are good in investigating, gramps picks up his tablet that was on his desk and starts fidgeting with it.


My phone vibrated and I took it out too check the notification out.

As I did, I received a list.

I didn't bother opening up the list and decided to check it out later after I sort things out with gramps. So the first thing I want to sort out is this list, so I decided to ask about it.

"And this is?"

"The student that I want you to investigate."

"So these students are involved in bullying?"

"No sonny, those students are possible victims of bullying."

Victims of bullying huh...

I started remembering the times that I beat the crap out of those so called bullies which got me expelled from three different schools. The dumb principals from those three schools called my actions "violence" which is totally wrong since I was just teaching them a lesson on how society works.

Anyway, back to reality.

"If you know all this much, why not just bring those students here and consult them one by one? That way, you would be able to know if they're being bullied or not."

"It will be too much of a hassle to consult them one by one to find out the answer so that's why I want you to investigate them so I would know whom to call for consultation."

I'm guessing gramps is indirectly saying that I'm too lazy to consult all of them so investigate for me. If I try to talk my way out of this, gramps will use his tactics when he was a general called reverse psychology to force me to do it.

Oh well better go accept it.

"Alright gramps."

After I accepted gramps request, I head for the door but before I was even able to press the switch to open it which is a touch screen panel, gramps calls out to me.

"Wait sonny!"

I turn towards and ask about it?


"Take Louise with you."

Take Louise huh...

Wait! Doesn't she stand out too much? I thought he wants me to investigate instead of the prefects and the teachers since they stand out too much.

I better ask about it.

"Doesn't Louise stand out too much? And besides, everyone pretty much know who Louise is."

"Don't worry about that sonny."

Suddenly, gramps turn towards Louise who is standing beside him.

"Louise, Camouflage Mode!"

"As you wish master."

Louise taps on some kind of digital circular watch that's on her right wrist.

After that, a blue light engulfs Louise and she vanishes.

I pretty much know what kind of trick Louise used to "vanish" but I decided to ask gramps about it just to make sure.

"Is that the rumored optical camouflage?"

"That's right sonny."

I'm spot on I guess...

"Cool! So can I have one of those?"

"Sorry sonny that will be a no."

There goes my plan to spy on the girls' locker room. Damn it!

Oh well! Better get this over with.

"Alright then. See you later gramps."

"I'm expecting good results from you sonny!"

After we exchanged our farewells, I turn towards the door and lightly tap on the touch screen panel.


As soon as the door opens, I left gramps' office.

While I was standing right outside of gramps' office, I check the list of students that gramps gave me.

As I did, I saw a bunch of students with their picture and their info beside it.

Here is the list.

Sophie Ferz

Age: 15

Birthday: 08/05

Gender: Female

Section: Class 3

Club joined: Occult club

Frequently seen on: Audio Visual room 1, Cafeteria 2 and class 1-3.

Info: An eccentric girl who likes to scare people as a hobby. She's quite popular among the male students because of her cheerfulness and her good looks.

Hey! Isn't this the cream colored short hair girl from the occult club? Wait! She's a victim of bullying? I highly doubt that. If you ask me, she's the one doing the bullying.

Erilene Harlens

Age: 16

Birthday: 12/18

Gender: Female

Section: Class 4

Club joined: Gardening club

Frequently seen on: Observatory deck and Room 105 at the girls dormitory section.

Info: She's the personal maid of Wren Fenrisel the 7th princess of the Fenrisel royal family that rules the continent Albories on the planet Ignost. She's very mature despite her age which makes her popular among the female students as a role model. Her hobby is gardening which increases her charm.

Eri is a victim of bullying??

Crisselda Aristole

Age: 16

Birthday: 06/09

Gender: Female

Section: Class 1

Frequently seen on: Class 1-1, Cafeteria 2 and Convenience store.

Club joined: Luna Fan club

Info: She's the daughter of a family of nobles the Aristole from the country of Midgard on the planet Noriessia. Her long golden blond hair, her sky blue eyes and her noble attitude makes her popular among the male students despite being a hardcore fan of Luna, the intergalactic idol.


Ace Spades

Age: 15

Birthday: 09/13

Gender: Female

Section: Class 2

Club joined: Spaceball club

Frequently seen on: Class 1-2, Arena 3 and Convenience store.

Info: A young assassin trained in martial arts and ice synthesis from the Spades family who runs a mercenary for hire business. Her cool attitude and her shy attitude when she gets physical contact with the opposite sex makes her popular among the male and female students.

Alright! This is ridiculous. None of them sounds like victims of bullying. Heck! They're even popular! And why the hell are they all girls? Not to mention that the list that gramps' gave me looks exactly like a status screen of a dating simulation game.

"Is there something wrong young master?"

Said the invisible Louise.

I couldn't see her so I don't know if she's behind me or beside me. She might even be on front of me.

Better not worry too much about it.

"Well... There are a lot of things that are wrong especially this list of students that gramps gave me."

As I answered her while showing the screen of my cell phone at the wall on front of me which make me look like an idiot. Good thing no one is around here at this hour. By the way, like I said earlier, I don't know where the hell Louise is so I'm not even sure if I'm pointing my cell phone at the right direction.

"What's wrong with the list young master?"

"See for yourself."

I said while offering my cell phone to the wall.

"As you wish young master."

Suddenly, my cell phone slips out of my hand and floats few inches on my right.

So that's where she is.

My phone that is floating in midair shakes a bit for few seconds.

This looks exactly like brainwave manipulation.

"I don't see anything wrong on this list young master."

"Try analyzing it."

"As you wish young master."

Zit* Zit*

"Analysis complete. There's nothing wrong with this list young master but your cell phone's internal memory only has 1.07 gigabytes free space out of 10 terabytes. I suggest that you uninstall the applications that you don't need and clear your cache."

To think that she even analyzed my cell phone and still couldn't get what I mean.

Better point it out for her.

"The list of students that gramps gave me doesn't look like victims of bullying."

After I said that, I took my cell phone back.

"Young master, master has just ordered me to tell you that don't judge a digital book by its graphics."

"I see..."

So no matter how much I find this very contradicting, I have no choice but to investigate...

Wait a minute!

"Is gramps watching me right now?"

"Master has just ordered me to tell you to proceed with the investigation."

And she didn't answer my question.

Better get this over with.