Public Oddities

A week passed since the last monster attack. Dale sat on the couch with his legs up on a stool. Looking out of the large window view in the living room. Outside was a pool surrounded by rose bushes. Even though they pricked him, he still looked forward to their blooming. It was that season, he could tell by the buds.

He picked up his margarita glass and the icey cold surface made him shiver.

"They haven't come yet…we've wasted so much time just waiting. The least we could've done is maybe go swimming or something." Stella said as she tapped her tablet.

Dale's lazy eyes met her slim figure laying on her stomach.

"It's a bit too chilly for that. But I think you're right…We're just here. Chillin…watching those red birds by the feeders." Dale took a sip of his drink.

Then his eyes wondered around the room. As if realizing his own existance for the first time.

"You know what it is?" Dale questioned.

"What?" Stella sat up, still glued to her tablet.

"I feel fucking lazy and its great…" Dale said.

Stella dropped her tablet and gave him a sour look.

"What? I'm just being honest." Dale said.

"Yeah..they'll eventually send out another one. I'm just catching up on history and this whole kaiju mess. This Earth isn't my Earth. My Earth had Apple and android leading the phone industry. Ya'll have what? AstroTech, Robert, and Cingular? In my Earth, Cingular is gone." Stella said.

Dale simply nodded at that. He didn't want to know that. In a way, Dale had what he wanted. Money, a big house, and a muscle car he bought in cash. Dale drifted off into a sleep at the last thought.

Dale sat in the exact same spot, but he knew he was dreaming. The sky turned dark with clouds and a large crushed the roof. Part of the roof fell on Dale. He could feel the jab of pain on his stomach.

Dale awoke. Right before his face was a girl's face with clown like paint on her eye.

"Senko?" Dale whispered.

"Yep! I was trying to see how many pokes would wake you up." She said.

Dale looked down and saw her finger poking into his abs. He wasn't obese, but didn't have a six pack either, and he blushed in shame.

The dream had made a good point though. All this could just go away if a kaiju succeded. He could order something online and a kaiju attack could destory it. He'll never have a peace of mind. At least not with that alien ship orbiting Earth.

Dale swollowed nervously and sat up.

"Alright. Stella, do you have any magic that can teliport us up there?" Dale asked. He'd seen enough anime to know the main characters got convenient powers. Like teliportation or being able to fly.

"Nope…I killed the four gods with my own power. I lost some people I loved too…life isn't a game as much as I wanted it to be." Stella said bitterly.

She sat up and walked right in front of Dale. Her boots thudded at each step, and her sharp glowing eyes were like burning coals.

"I learned one thing. God may be all poweful and all knowing..but there are consequences to peoples actions." Stella said.

Dale didn't know if what she said was true or not. But he did know Stella's backstory. She knew this God more than he did. Dale only met this mysterious God a week ago. Unable to ask what the meaning of life is or what sin itself is. Do pets go to heaven? Is there even a heaven?

Dale lost eye contact and he looked down at Senko's tail. If he was being honest, he'd give up and let someone else fight. He didn't want to lead them. Especially with a stupid power. Hookshot Dale! The man with the awesome ability to woosh around town. Did I mention he has a lazer whip? Dale imagined a narrator say.

Stella backed off. Then Senko's ball tail wobbled over. She stood before Dale, like a child about to ask her dad for something.

"I thought you said you'd buy me furn—ature." Senko struggled to say.

"You only just now found out about it.." Dale said.

"I want clothes. New clothes. I deserve that much for my elite marksman skills." She said happily.

If I had a daughter. Would this be how it would feel like? Dale wondered.

"Don't spoil her too much." Stella teased.

"I'm not a child. I'm way older than you..and maybe you." Senko finished by pointing at Stella.

"Yeah, I'm only seventeen..I was around thirty in my past life, so I'm about fifty years old by now." Stella said proudly.

"Figures why you're more put together than me." Dale sighed.

Stella opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Senko had interupted the lecture she was about to give Dale.

"Are we going now or what?" Senko asked.

"Fine." Dale said.

"I'll get Jill." Stella said.

They had gone shopping that day. Dale managed to buy them all clothes. A few trips home were required, due to the small size of his mustang. Dale expected people to be afraid of Senko and Stella, but they were widely accepted. People took photos with Stella and Senko, Dale excluded. In a way it was like walking around with cosplayers..mostly Senko and her giant tail.

"Wow, is that thing real?" The barrista asked.

"Isn't she adorable?" The cashier said.

"Yeah. Its real." Dale made a worried smile.

He wanted help so desprately from the government. Perhapes showing them in public would allow some kind of cooperation? Dale didn't want to run into any corrupt branches. He needed to reach good people in powerful positions. Getting exposure would help, but getting in trouble with the I.R.S was his first plan. This one was funner and less risky.

"Yes. Praise me more and give me one of your sweet drinks." Senko said with her hands on her hips.

"What she means is she wants a latte. In fact, we'll have four lattes." Dale said. He looked back at the other girls.

"Regular? Any specific flavors yall want?" Dale asked.

Stella smiled like if she just remembered something.

"I'll have a vanilla bean frappiccino and Bobo too." Stella looked at Bobo.

"Don't worry, you'll love it." Stella reassured her.

"O.k." Bobo replied.

"I'll have black coffee with mild please." Jill said in a shy tone.

"I guess you can make the two lattes vanilla and then what they asked for." Dale said.

"Alright, two vanillas, one black, and two vanilla bean fraps. Sound good?" The cashier questioned.

"Yeah, thats right."

After being served. They sat at the outdoor tables. Jill poured a milk cup into her drink, then stirred the contents.

"You're world is so amazing…its almost like heaven." Senko said. She almost sounded sad.

"Just wait till you try the drink." Dale said.

Senko looked down at the drink. She sniffed it and made an unsure expression, the she took a sip.

"Oh my gods! This is amazing!" Senko's tail began to wag. The girls laughed at Senko's reaction to the drink. Even the serious Jill managed to giggle at that.

"You've been a little isolated, Jill." Dale asked.

Jill looked at him with a blank expression.

"I'm sorry. I just feel culture shocked. I last saw the world in 1956..this is all new to me. I feel like I'm drowning." She said as she held her shoulders. Dale was speechless, but then Stella spoke.

"We can buy you vintage things. Decorate your room with stuff from that time. It'll be alright." Stella said.

"We can do that. I got no problem with that." Dale agreed.

Jill covered her face with a napkin.

"Thanks." She tried to supress her urge to cry.

"Aside from that. You said you reincarnated right?" Dale asked Stella.

She took a sip from her straw, then she cleared her throat.

"Yeah. God had white hair, orangey red eyes…" Stella said as she stared at her drink, trying to remember the details.

"The lady I saw was pretty cute..she said it wasn't her true form. Then she gave me the power to summon three heroes." Dale said.

"But there are five of us.." Stella said.

"Jill isn't summoned. Still, it does seem odd there are four summons." Dale said.

A man in a black suit sat on the empty chair between Jill and Stella. Dale felt as if his heart sank.

"My name is Scott, Home Land Security." He said holding up his badge.

Despite having the resolve for this very moment. He felt scared.

"I want to chat. You and your little team of super freinds." He said. Dale didn't like his cocky attitude. If the government wanted help or to arrest them, then maturity is required. The man before him has the attitude of some kind of bully.

"Ask nicely and maybe I'll consider your request." Dale said. Scott chuckled at that.

Stella's eyes widened at that. Jill, Bobo, and Senko just looked confused. They didn't know what was going on.

"Who are you? A princess?" Senko questioned.

Dale bursted into laughter at that.

"What? I'm serious. Princesses wear fancy clothes." Senko said with a blank expression.

Stella joined in the laughter. Dale didn't know if his nervs was the cause of it or if Senko's statement triggered it. He felt as if it was both.

"If you don't cooperate, my buddies over there will give you a free ride." Scott said as he looked behined Dale. He turned around and looked back. A police cruiser was parked on the road with its flashers on.

"What? Tell them to pull up into the parkway. Their clearly blocking traffic." Dale said.

In that moment. Two loud pops echoed from the sky. Dale's eyes widened. Scott had a look of terror replace his smug expression. Two fireballs were falling from the horizon.

Dale felt sick as he watched them streak across the sky.

"God damn.." Scott said.

"God….damn." Senko repeated.