Chapter 27: More explosives

"Grenade." As soon as he left the cave and took his Chimera Form, Eny called out for Grenade who has been hiding in his shadow this whole time, Grenade continued the same size and same appearance when hidden by the Mist, the same Shiba Inu that has a long fluffy tail. Bowing, Grenade said: "Here I am Master, how can I help you?" Grenade got obsessed with butlers after he saw one in a movie, ever since he is trying to act more like a butler and not a servant. Still loyal, but with class this time! He has been training his British accent but it's terrible so Eny ordered him to never speak like that again. "I want you to keep an eye on them, don't let them alone together... Protect them."

Grenade nodded and said while respectfully bowing: "It shall be as you desire, Master." Soon he entered the shadows again and vanished from sight as the black manned lied with black, feathery wings, and a big black c- *cough* snake for a tail sat there. He looked at the sky and could still feel his mind wander back to those two and what to do with them.

He imagined himself ravaging their tiny bodies with his big dick, making them feel his love as he pushed it deeper and deeper, pounding them so hard they would still feel him inside them for days. Eny shook his head, it was not time to think of that because he came out here to cool down his head... Both heads. The snake on his tail moved around flickering its tongue out and back in the mouth, catching some pheromones. "I know you are there, come out. Oh wait, you already did that." Eny's voice as a Chimera was different than his voice as a Dark Chimera, he enjoyed adding some parts of other monsters sometimes to his body! Like that one time, he gave himself a third eye and scared Luke with it.

Thalia walked out from behind the trees, spear in hand just to be careful, she was wearing the same clothes. "Sup." She said she was nervous as she saw the massive black Chimera, it was a monster that took out 21 monsters faster than she could even blink. "So. Let's get right to it, shall we?" Eny said as his body morphed and he began to change into a still intimidating but more comfortable form, his Minotaur Form. His golden eyes (he always has golden eyes when he transforms and he doesn't know why) looked down at Thalia's small frame compared to his 9 feet tall body. His big white horns could be seen too, his lower half was covered by a white silk cloth that imitated a Greek design.

(A/N: Fun fact, the tallest person registered was Robert Pershing Wadlow, and he was 8'11 or 272 centimeters)

"Who's your Godly parent?" As expected, Eny's voice was even deeper and hoarser than in his Dark Chimera form, he huffed and puffed when breathing through his nose, which had a golden ring on it as well as his nipples. Thalia was of course intimidated by his size, she didn't know if she could take him on and defeat him if she needs to escape. "Zeus," Thalia said in a clear statement, suddenly a thunder echoed as a flash of lightning crashed down towards the west, where New York would be... Thalia looked at the direction the lightning fell in before she sighed. "See?" She raised her hands and sparks of electricity danced around her hands, making crackling sounds that reminded Eny of tiny little demons laughing.

(A/N: If you want some reference for his voice you can search Valentin Stuff. Eny is like that in his Minotaur form all the time, but as he grows older... It becomes permanent)

"Oh?" Eny chuckled, his voice sounding more like a rumbling of a drum, he raised his hand and a flaming rock appeared on it as he used [Skill] Cosmic Magic: [Cosmus: Meteorite] to summon the floating rock that was hot and burning. He pointed his finger towards Thalia who thought he was attacking her for a second, she was ready to dodge when she heard a yelp, and behind her, a sickening thud echoed. "Come, we are rather in need of privacy." Eny guided her to a clean area, where he found a big stone to use as a table while using two smaller rocks as chairs. "Now we can talk peacefully," Eny said as his huge body sat down, cracking the stone under him that gave way, and his body lowered another 2 inches which wasn't much of a difference.

"I am Enychta Astérie, son of the Primordial Goddess of the Night, Nyx. It has come to my attention that you... May I know your name?" In his Minotaur form, Eny was very polite when speaking to others, but he was extremely brute when fighting as he liked to use his bug fists to destroy the enemy with his pure, brute strength. Thalia found this politeness strange but she answered: "Thalia..." She didn't like to use her last name, but since he said his, it would be rude to not say her's, right? "Grace. But you can call me just Thalia." Enychta nodded and continued to say: "So, Ms. Thalia, I wish to know why you were attracting monsters to my location, putting in danger ~my~ family?" His voice was getting more and more intimidating as he spoke, making Thalia's hold on the spear tighter. "I had no intentions of bringing harm upon your... family, Enychta." Eny's golden eyes stared at her for a good few minutes before all the tension vanished.

"All right," Eny said in the most cheerful voice a minotaur can muster before he cleaned the dust off his hands and got up. "Now, I don't trust. I don't think you are worthy of trust. I do not know you, but both Luke and Pruno would be sad because I abandoned a Demigod... They are fucking clueless about betrayal because I sheltered them from it, so if you dare to betray us, I will hunt you down and devour your corpse. Also, be careful with shadows."

This confused Thalia until she looked down at her shadow, she saw two pairs of red eyes staring back at her. "Meet Nuclear and Rocket Launcher. Grenade's mate and pup."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

New dogs are added to the family!

Nuclear is Grenade's mate.

She is a special Hellhound like Grenade since she can enter shadows and stay there. They had only one pup till now named Rocket Launcher.

Gotta keep the explosive names.