Chapter 28: Doubting

From below her shadows, a pair of Hellhounds jumped out. One smaller than the other but both with red eyes, these Hellhounds were already small compared to their normal-sized ones, now imagine their puppy!? It is adorable, he was born recently because Grenade found his mate a few months ago, it was a surprise to both Eny and Grenade himself when he found another Hellhound that was just like him! Small, smart, and could talk! "Young Master." Nuclear, full name Nuclear Energy Explosion, bowed ss she said her way to call Eny. Like Grenade she became obsessed with maids as Grenade presented her with the world of class.

"Nuclear, please keep a close eye on our... Guest." Eny's deep Minotaur voice rumbled with pure strength as eyed the small puppy that was doing the same as his mother, head down and looking at the ground with respect. "And has Rocket Launcher been? Adorable as ever." As soon as Eny said his name, Rocket Launcher raised his head a looked towards Eny with just tail wagging like the good boy he was. While Grenade would look like a Shiba Inu, Nuclear would look more like a German Shepherd as well as her small puppy that also looked like a German Shepherd. "I am flawteled my mister- I mean, master."

While Nuclear had a clean, soft female voice that sounded like a great book reader, the little Rocket Launcher had a little speech problem as he was just 3 months old, which would be 6 years in human age. He sounded innocent, but he was growing fast and fast every day, he took lessons from his father and mother about butter and maid, and he chose to be a butler! This family decided to serve him because he was considered royalty for being the Son of Nyx because of course they are his half-siblings and they want to serve him. It did not apply to every single Hellhound because most of them are simply stupid and can't think about sentences at all.

Grenade, Nuclear, and Rocket Launcher are of course of a special type of Hellhound, because not only can stay inside the shadows and leave it at will, they can also speak. This already made them 10 times better than any Hellhound!

"Now I'll take my leave, for I still gave things to do," Eny said as walked away, leaving Nuclear and Rocket Launcher behind to take care of Thalia, his big Minotaur moved northward, towards the smell of monsters he could scent from here. The smile he had exposed his almost perfectly square teeth that were used to pressurize and destroy hard things, like bones and stone, differently from sharp teeth that are used to tear flesh and muscle. His hooves can easily crush stone and his horns can easily tear through concrete like its butter, his round golden eyes reflected the sun that was still high in the sky as he moved forward.

-Scene Cuts-

Back with Luke and Pruno who were awkwardly standing near each other after Eny left, their red face was still pretty much visible even though there were not perfect lighting conditions on this cave, looking at each other's face was not an option as Pruno began to chuckle lightly before his chuckle turned into laughter, and now he was laughing like he heard the best joke of his life: "HAHAHAHAHA!" His laugh echoed through the cave and Luke also felt this situation was ironic, he didn't know Pruno also liked him, he thought that Pruno only liked Eny, as well as Eny, only liked Pruno and that he was an intrusive person that was trying to destroy their relationship.

"I-" Before Luke could say anything, Pruno was already holding his head and making him look at him, Luke blinked, and his blue eyes stared deeply into Pruno's pink eyes. He could see a slight bit of madness as Pruno smiled at him sweetly: "Ah~ I didn't know you had such impure thoughts about my Eny~" Luke felt a shiver run down his spine as he heard his voice, it was not like how Pruno normally speaks and it gave him a very bad feeling.

"But I guess I'll allow it... In one condition!" Pruno kissed his lips, making him widen his eyes in surprise as he felt those oft, also pink, lips touch his lips in a passionate kiss. He saw Pruno's eyes squint in delight as he pulled them apart but still held his chin to make him look at him. "The conditions are that you'll be mine... Mine and Eny's, and we will be yours. That is fair, right? You can only look at us, right? If you look at someone else I'll pull off your eyeballs, okay? Don't reject it, or else I'll make you accept it, okay?" Question after question, Pruno's erratic eyes locked with Luke's showed worry and doubt.

Like he doubted the love they felt for each other was fake or a product of manipulation.

Luke pulled him in a hug and held his head to his chest. that although was not as big as Eny's, not as warm as Eny's, not as fluffy as Eny's, it was still warm and loving as Luke hugged the poor Pruno that was starting to have a mental break down after his feelings were exposed like that! And Eny left without even saying he accepted his feelings, so it was rejection, right? He is not enough, right? Will he ever be enough? Does he need to murder every single person that Eny ever loved so he may at least look for him- No. He can't think like that, not yet at least. He is overthinking again, Eny didn't reject him, Eny didn't reject him... Eny didn't reject him, right?

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Here we have a different side for our local yandere, Pruno.

Remember why he was sent to the Lotus Hotel & Casino? Yeah, there were some effects left of the torture session that stuck to him, he normally doesn't show it. His yandere tendencies are his flaw while his Lost of confidence and doubts are the effect that lasted from the horridble torture he was put through.