Chapter 40: Mansion Mystery (Part 6)

Behind the wall was a stairwell, the stairwell descended in deep darkness, only Enychta could see past the darkness, and all he could see was a deep, dark-toned tunnel that went downwards at a slight angle with more stairs going down. Luke smiled as he "uncovered" a new clue, his smile was sincere and blinding, so Enychta felt happy too. Pruno frowned because he knew he had spread the roots through all the mansion and even underground, below the mansion, but he was sure he did not find any tunnel. He looked at Eny with a doubtful expression and a little bit of concern, but Eny had a little idea about what this would be...

Daedalus's Labyrinth.

Yeah, the labyrinth of Daedalus, the one underground that connects to all the places in the world, where time passes differently from the outside the closer you are from Daedalus's office. 1 Hour inside that place is 1 Minute outside, but it can be adjusted to do the reverse 1 minute outside equals 1 hour outside.

"Let's go down!" Luke pointed towards the darkness like he expected it to suddenly shine, it did not, but he walked forward anyway. Before he could take a complete step forward, Enychta stopped him by holding his shoulders and pinning him down. "Not so fast, Detective Luke," Enychta said, not even noticing he just called Luke Detective, guess the acting got to him! "We don't know if there is any trap forward, so I recommend me going first, the tunnel is too small for me to completely protect you all from every trap, but I know you will be safe as long as I stay in front of the team, taking every single damage, like when we fight. Okay?"

They wanted to say 'No, it's not okay, don't go hurting yourself just to protect us!' But all they could do was nod, they tried making Eny stop tanking the damage from the things that attacked them, but he never listens and always insists that if anyone's getting hurt is going to be him. This is a very damaging way of thinking, but it matches his fighting style and abilities, it also makes him stronger because he needs to get hurt so he can regenerate and then upgrade his regeneration above a simple ability, into the level of [Skill] and maybe [Unique Skill].

Enychta was the first one to move forward, following him like ducklings following their mama duck were the other tree, Eny decided to slightly change his form so he can saw anyone from any danger if it may arise in the middle of this small tunnel. The tunnel was in height about 7 feet and 7 feet wide, so a 7 by 7 tunnel. With his 6'5 body, Enychta had 5 inches of free space between his head and the ceiling of the tunnel, but the tunnel was wide enough! So he decided to go with something that is long and can move fast in a small space... A snake. His body shifted as his height decreased and his body elongated, black scales appeared on his body, and his tongue came out of his mouth and he did what every snake does! He licked the air.

It felt strange to be able to move without legs, but soon he was able to. He made his body flat on the ground and waited till the trio got the message, they soon sat down on his big black body, they were now riding Enyctha bareback, after all, he didn't have a saddle for his snake form.

They wanted to get the culprit that killed the girl and offer him to Aphrodite, so she may get her revenge. "Down the tunnel, we go." Commented Thalia as she uncomfortably moved her body, so she doesn't fall from the fast body of Enychta's Giant Snake form. The snake was fast for a being without legs, it slithered on the ground and they had to hold on they wouldn't fall, Pruno was getting a little dizzy because he was not used to this speed and the movements the snake was going to go fast, it made him a little nauseous. Luke was having fun, he was used to this speed because it was slower than when he runs but riding Eny was fun.

That sounded wrong for some reason.

They soon reached the end of the tunnel, which brought them to a room with several doors, and pathways, Eny shifted back to his human form but kept his lower half of a snake because he didn't want to waste much time in this place, he took a big sniff out of the air and licked it too to sure, and sure enough, he caught the scent of the man here. Eny grabbed the others who were exploring and searching for clues, he darted through the end of the left hallway, entered the third door of the left hallway, and there the man was. He was lying on the ground, sleeping soundlessly. But there was something different about this...

He was chained to the wall.

Strange. Unless this is a kinky dungeon, why would he be chained? Soon Enychta smelled it, the man was not human anymore but a Lycanthrope, and tonight was a full moon! It didn't do much to Eny other than make him a little more agitated, but for other Lycanthropes, it is very dangerous because they lose control of themselves and attack. The man on the wall suddenly opened his eyes in shock, he looked at the quartet and his eyes turned red as his body began to quiver and tear itself apart. The named Green was a Lycanthrope, and he was chained to the wall!

Enychta saw the chains crack, they were old chains, the Lycanthrope locked eyes with Eny and snarled as if it felt like Eny was a threat, but before any of them could react, it leaped towards Enychta as it broke free from its old, rusty chains. Eny could of course dodge, but what about those behind him? Could they dodge in time? No, they couldn't. So he stood his ground. The teeth of the Lycanthrope sank into his body and he felt pain in his shoulder, where he was bitten, he angrily grabbed the beast's snout and broke it with a crunching motion with his hand. The Lycanthrope cried in pain as it tried to move away from Enychta, just to find out that it couldn't move at all as Eny used [Cosmic: Stun] to stun the werewolf for 10 seconds, enough time to incapacitate him.

He sighed in relief when the werewolf fell to the ground, Enychta looked at his shoulder and saw the wound closing slowly, well, he would later know if he got Lycanthropy, what could not be possible he thought.

Oh, but it was.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

That's how Enychta gets his Lycanthrope form! That big sexy blue-eyed wolf that is actually golden-eyed.