Chapter 41: Mansion Mystery (Finale)

[Night: 2nd of July, 2000]

Gritting his teeth in annoyance, Enychta pulled the Lycanthrope who tried to use his claws to strike at Thalia, the closest prey in his attack range besides Eny himself. He moved his hands and decided to be cruel, Lycanthropes can regenerate anyway, so he quickly grabbed the arms of the beast and twisted them, making them crack and snap with a sickening sound that made everyone who heard it think of a thin branch being broken in half by something strong. But this time it wasn't a stick but an arm, followed by another one and followed by both legs too. The legs were twisted in reverse, the knee caps were broken as the leg was pulled and bent till the bone snapped, not crunched till it broke.

Pruno had to close his eyes because the sound of the snapping bones reminded him of a terrible memory, buried deep into his subconscious mind. Luke frowned but sighed, he understood Enychta was angry at the best and considered it a monster, but they still wanted him alive.

Thalia shook her head, she was stunned seconds ago when the Lycanthrope tried to swipe his claws towards her so if it wasn't for Eny... She didn't know what would have happened. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, she was too weak to fight monsters that were faster than her alone, she needed their help and that didn't necessarily make her feel weak, but it made her feel like a drag. Like an anchor who drags the team down, sinking the team deep in the abyss of defeat- "Thalia, help me here." Thalia snapped out of her stupor and shook her head, she walked up to Enychta who had a snarling and crying werewolf winning on his face while trying to bite it with its broken snout at the same time.

It almost made her feel pity for the creature if it wasn't the fact that when she approached the Lycanthrope, it snarled his teeth at her and tried to move to attack, it kept looking at her with a murderous, those red eyes looked directly into her soul and she could not see anything but hatred coming from the beast. "So, whaddo you nee' my help for?" Eny pointed at the werewolf, still pressing it down with a leg... They didn't know why he was doing this, but it was soon answered when they saw the arms and legs moving, like snakes, snapping back in place and regenerating. Healing. It was a wondrous scene to watch but also scary because the beast soon tried to attack again so if it wasn't for Enychta who used his feet to kick the beast down, pressing and cracking the beast's ribs and cracking one.

"I need you to knock him out, shock him toll he is unconscious. Or else I'll have to break his bones every single second... This regeneration is ridiculous." Enychta commanded in a serious tone, whispering the last part of his sentence low enough so only she could hear it perfectly, making her smile a little. Electricity? She could make it, but could she make enough electricity to knock the beast out? There was only one way to find out! She approached the beast and watched as its healed snout tried to bite her, but Enychta grabbed it and broke, his lower half changing into a black snake slithering body and wrapping around the werewolf in a way Thalia could safely touch it.

"Thanks," Thalia whispered and Eny smiled, she quickly touched the beast and suddenly her eyes shone electric blue, a huge electric current went through her body and into the beast, making it scream in pain. Now, Enychta was touching the beast, so he was also affected, but all he did was tense his muscles and grunt in annoyance, proving he was resistant to electricity. Sadly it is not very effective and does not leave behind the Paralyzed status effect...

"W-well." After watching this disturbing and slightly gore performance, Luke coughed to catch their attention and pointed at the hallway they came from, Pruno shook his head and decided to do something too, he touched the ground as Enychta's lower half simply changed back to his naked human form- what? He did take his clothes off to transform. Anyway! Pruno controlled vines and roots to wrap around the unconscious Lycanthrope to tie it tightly, so it wouldn't attack them while they moved him away. The journey back was easier, they knew where to go and they went, Enychta was debating if they should destroy the only entrance to the Labyrinth of Daedalus they knew of, but he was against it and didn't destroy it, but sealed it with Pruno's help.

Pruno just had to fill the hallways with thick roots and vines, with thorns and slightly poisonous plants too. "Thank you cutie." Enychta whispered in the pink-haired boy's ear, making him blush slightly as he said: "It's nothing." And walked away. When they returned to the mansion, Luke awkwardly kneeled on the floor just to get up when Enychta pulled him up, he was frowning and slightly annoyed that Luke had to kneel... He even whispered in his ear: "The only day you will kneel, is when you suck my-" But he couldn't complete his sentence when a pink spotlight suddenly shone down from the broken window, there was a knock on the doors and Enychta frowned when he smelled a sickening sweet smell of roses, apples, and beauty.

It made him almost puke because of how strong the scent was!

Three knocks on the door, and soon the door came down with a kick, the door raised a cloud of dust from the impact and blocked visual of the figure who stepped inside the mansion. Thalia, Pruno, and Luke grabbed their weapons while Enychta began to scrub his nose so hard it began to bleed! Stepping out of the cloud of dust was a raven-haired woman with rainbow eyes, her body was unnaturally voluptuous and slutty, she walked like she owned everything... "Lady Aphrodite." It wasn't necessary introductions, just her presence alone was enough, Aphrodite smiled sweetly to them and approached the sneered werewolf with glee. "Ah, for so long I've been waiting for this... You know, if it wasn't for the rules, I would've come here and killed you myself, but now, I can do much worse..." She turned her eyes towards the quartet of teenagers, most of them were hypnotized by her beauty, the boys were resisting her charms well.

"I thank you all." She bowed, the Goddess of Love bowed to a mortal! "I must reward you all." Enychta shook his head, he didn't want anything from her! "I do not desire a reward, Lady Aphrodite." He said through gritted teeth, it was annoying how she smelled so sweet yet so rotten- "Very well, I will reward the others then." Her hand glowed pink for a second and she said: "You shall be beautiful, you shall speak words of command." Enychta even though he didn't trust her, couldn't do anything.


C'MON! SHE WAS A GODDESS! No way a Demigod like him can permanently damage her, she will certainly hold a grudge against him too.

After giving her Blessing to the three others, she smiled and vanished, taking the Lycanthrope with her. Enychta had his eyes locked where she was, not looking at the other three when suddenly he heard Luke say: "I don't feel so different..." He turned to look at them and he was stunned, they were even more beautiful than before, Enychta just stared at them with a red face, clearly blushing...

Well, it looks like the mystery, which wasn't a mystery per se, was solved.

Now they would go back at their hunting monsters!

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Aphrodite just made them even more beautiful and gave them Charmspeak too.