Chapter 42: Frightened Smell

Eny had to turn his face away as his blushing face was too much, but suddenly he was saved by his loyal butler dog, Grenade. The shadows below his feet began to flutter and move as the Shiba-Inu-looking dog bowed in submission, saying: "Master, I've found it."

Now you might be wondering where Grenade has been all this time, right? Well, he was going around all of the United States searching for something that Enychta asked him to search for, and that something is a book about magic, first Grenade, had a hard time finding anything of that sort, but Nuclear is smarter than Grenade! Hellhounds, or at least Grenade's subspecies of Hellhounds, mate for life, so Nuclear and Grenade are pretty much together forever from the moment they mated.

Nuclear, being smarter than Grenade was able to identify a magic-user by their scent while Grenade was following random people around, Rocket Launcher (I love this) had just followed his mother for about a month before he got big enough to do his things alone, he was a big boy now and didn't need any help from anyone! His rebel phase started and no one could stop that German Shepherd anymore, well, Enychta could If he wanted to but the young dog wanted to defy authority and follow his own rules, Eny could understand that phase because he went through it in his past life. Talking about his past life, he was caught by a memory he had from that life...

His little brother had anxiety and asthma and was very dependent on him when they were younger, always following him around wherever he went. He learned how to do grounding so he could help his little brother when he had a panic attack as well as whenever someone had a panic attack, it helped him help some people he met that day... He doesn't like to think about that day because it was a horrible day and he hates to even think about it.

Anyway, what I mean is that Enychta could understand Rocket Launcher more than the Hellhound thought he could because he was the obvious authority figure that he was taught by his parents to adore and obey, so the combination of wanting to go against his family wishes for him, the dislike for authority, and his rebel phase, Rocket Launcher went to find himself a mate. A female (or male, doesn't matter) to be together for his entire life, maybe someone who could understand him better than his parents? The only place he could search for was the Underworld and Tartarus, the place he would never go to.

Back to the situation at hand, Grenade just appeared in his shadow saying he was able to get what he asked him for. It was tricky to get because they had to steal it from a witch, a daughter of Hecate that had her collection of magic books all written in Ancient Greek and some in Latin too... Well, Eny could speak Ancient Greek like every single Greek Demigod could, Latin was easier for Roman Demigods, Ancient Nordic was easier for Norse Demigods, Ancient Hieroglyphs was easier for Egyptians and Demigods, etc. "Thank you, Grenade." The dog bowed again, from his shadow came the female German Shepherd known as Nuclear, holding a bag with her mouth.

She placed it on the ground graciously and bowed, saying: "Here it is, master." Enychta just shrugged the presentation and took the bag, he looked inside, and there it was a single thin book with small layers of golden thread, it was a magical thread that could alert the owner of the book about its location, or so Eny found out as he ate the golden thread. It tasted like orange and the magic felt a little like beer, but he liked it.

[New Proficiency:

[Magic] Enchanting Magic: 0%

Description: Add magical effects to items.

Known Enchantments:

[Mark]: Know the location of the marked entity all time, no matter the location. Can be removed if the enchanted item is destroyed.

Please have a nice day.]

Curious enough, the book itself was about enchanting, well, [Basic Enchanting for Dummies]. Eny opened it and saw some runes written in Modern Greek and Ancient Greek, each with different meanings and effects, it was an interesting thing. However, he could not ignore the trio who was curiously looking at the book with him, he could not, especially, not notice both Luke and Pruno just inches away from touching his skin... It made him a little nervous, their skin was so perfect, what if he damages it? Screw Thalia, his eyes couldn't leave his two little lovers who were too close to him!

Normally it was, well, normal for them to get closer to him, but how he is scared he will do unimaginable things to their pretty body if they just touch him. He looked at Pruno's face for a second and he could easily depict how it would look with his "cream" all over it- No, stop brain, he coughed awkwardly and tried to get their attention but he suddenly smelled something. Taking a big sniff, he looked around, the rising sun was shining through the leaves of the trees and illuminating the front of the mansion, he could smell something else besides nature around him. It smelled like olives, owl feathers, and wisdom...? That's a strong salty smell! He sneezed to try and get the strong smell from his nose, but he soon caught it again, which means the Demigod is near them!

Before you ask, Enychta kinda got used to Luke, Pruno, and Thalia's scents and it didn't bother him so much anymore. He kinda ignored the smell fine, he even liked Pruno's and Luke's scent a little more than he should, it brought him comfort and he liked when they smelled like him too because it meant they were protected against normal animals that could smell his intimidating alpha male smell... Also, remember how his base form is a Dark Chimera, which is a Lycanthrope with wings, a second mouth, and a scorpion tail? Well, it is natural for him to have some wolf instincts, such as liking smells and smelling everything, and analyzing them.

Talking about that... Why does the Demigod approaching them is smelling so frightened?

Taking another big sniff, Enychta frowned.

it smelled like a Giant Spider, but different.