Chapter 45: Early Heat

[This chapter contains some 18+ descriptions]

Enychta observed her.

He kept his eyes close to her and observed her every move, looking at her cautiously.

He didn't trust her one bit, after all, the knowledge of the book was just that. A book. Now, this is the real world, a real-world is the reality he lives in, and who knows what his actions may have caused in this world? He knows he doesn't have a fate, he makes his history and writes his own life as the Fates cannot make him do anything he doesn't want to do. He has luck still, or at least he knows that his actions and the reaction for them are calculated by probability, and every single action of his can cause an equal or worse reaction.

So he decided to trust his paranoia for a bit, even though he knew that maybe he didn't need to be so paranoid.

"Eny?" A whisper came from behind him, making him look back and see Pruno frowning. "What are you doing?" He looked at himself, crouching down on a bush as he observed a little girl sleeping, he looked like a creep observing her. "Observing." He said, which was the truth! He was truly just observing her, nothing creepy going on here officer sir, nothing creepy... "Why are you watching Annabeth sleep?" Promo asked a little more curious than creeped out by what Enychta was doing, making Eny smile and shake his head, and then he stopped, thought for a second, and decided to be sincere and tell him the truth.

"I don't trust her." He frowned. "I don't know why... Maybe I'm just being paranoid but I don't like her at all, maybe I just feel threatened by her because she is someone else's pup and not mine, or maybe she just smells like Athena and I don't like Athena, or maybe I just am overthinking everything... I just feel like there's something wrong with her and I don't like it. Do you think I'm too paranoid? I sometimes trust my paranoia because it saved us so many times, but I don't like that you three suddenly just started to trust her like she is your pup or something, and you three don't have a strong will to resist against mind control and-"

His rambling was cut by Pruno's lips on his, soon his tongue followed hungrily, Eny was stunned for a second before he kissed back with fervor making sure to hug him close to his body. It was July 29 and August was so damn close that he was starting to get hornier every single day!

Annabeth has been with them for 28 days and Enychta has been keeping an eye on her ever since, maybe because his mating season is getting closer he is getting more and more territorial, and because he doesn't consider Annabeth as a member of his family he is getting cautious about her. This makes sense when you consider that he is more and more a monster every single day, his body, mind, and even soul are slowly changing and getting wilder and wilder, to resemble a monster. He needs to get them to safety before he loses control, they were making their way to the coast of Northeastern Long Island, to Camp Half-Blood.

Why? Well, first off, Enychta doesn't trust them but he would rather have his family "secure", in this case away from him in case he goes berserker from horniness and tries to rape one of his two lovers in monster form, he doesn't want that. So he just told them he is going to leave and be alone for two months that they should stay at Camp Half-Blood when they asked why he was too embarrassed to tell and there was even the possibility that they would use this period to seduce him, who knows!? We're talking about Pruno here! Luke would be too embarrassed to do anything, but Pruno would take that opportunity to seduce him.

As the kiss deepened, Enychta could feel his body slowly getting hotter and hotter, his teeth started to get a little sharper as they grew, his eyes turning golden and he slowly changing into a monster form that he didn't know which, but his body was growing in size. He pushed Pruno away a little as his muscles began to bulge and he felt pain through his whole body, he felt like he was burning even though he was immune to fire, and it was hurting him.

"Eny? Are you okay?" Pruno asked as he touched his arm, Pruno's fingers felt cold against his skin, he needed his touch! He needs him to touch him more so he doesn't burn away.

Unknown to Enychta, his body was changing as black fur began to grow and his golden eyes slowly turned red, a pair of gigantic eagle wings exploded out of his back, scattering black feathers all around him, his hands turned into lion paws, goat horns grew from his head and a snake tail began to grow from his tailbone. He was turning into his Chimera Form, which was a majestic black lion with black wings and a black piton for a tail too! With a roar that would everyone up, Enychta began to act like a cat in heat, rubbing himself on a tree as his nails sank deeply into the bark, breaking it easily and making the tree fall. He growled, irritated from this feeling that was spreading through his whole body, panting and in desperate need of release... He looked at Pruno who had a confused and slightly scared expression and then he froze, his whole body began to shrink as he turned back into his human form with reluctance.

He began to breathe heavily, his whole body shaking as he realized what he would have done if he wasn't able to get control back.

A clear image was on his mind as he turned into his Chimera form, and that was him ripping Pruno's clothes and getting him naked before mating with him, that image in full detail was too good to ignore and he would have done it if it wasn't the fact that Pruno looked scared, that was a test of Willpower that made him realize how hard it will be for him to go through this mating season.

"Eny?" Luke's scared voice made Enychta's whole body grow cold as he learned that he was a threat to them. His body began to change again as he smelled Luke's scent, he concentrated and forced his body to stay human, his energy was quickly being used only for the sake of control. "Eny are you okay?" His voice seemed so distant even though he was so near... Suddenly he felt the cold touch of Luke's hand, he loudly said: "Don't touch me." As his body began to shake, he growled at the smell of both his chosen mates so close to him, just their scent was enough to drive him crazy. "Why? Is not even August yet!" Enychta used what he knew could keep his mind focused, his nails grew as he sank them to his flesh, using pain to keep him awake and not losing control of himself.

"I need to get you all to safety quickly, I need to get you far away from me as soon as possible, i need to..." He ignored the concerned eyes he received as he rambled to himself, his nails full of his blood as he sank them deeper into his flesh. "Sister... Grey Sister, they will take you to Camp Half-Blood, they can? I don't know if they can, no, they absolutely can... I will make them do it..." He got up, ignoring the call from his family, they were asking what was wrong and he needed them to be far away from him because they were making this worse.

His fingers dance through the bag as he began to quickly take out a Golden Drachma and summoned the Grey Sisters. When they appeared he opened the door of their taxi and began to throw things there, in the end, pushing Thalia, Luke, Pruno, and a scared Annabeth into the taxi. "I want you to listen to me." His voice made all of them shut up, he turned to look at them as his eyes glowed crimson red, horns slowly growing out of his head giving him a demonic look. "I want you four to enter Camp Half-Blood and stay there. Okay? Don't come to find me, you'll make this worse than it already is. I can't deal with this being near you two, you make me lose control so fucking easily... So don't leave Camp. I will be there in two months okay? Two months. Just wait for me and I'll answer all the questions you have okay? Okay." He closed the door as they all shouted his name, he looked at the Grey Sisters and pushed a bag full of 200 Golden Drachmas, he gave most of the things he had to Luke as he closed the taxi door, so they had almost 700 Golden Drachmas with them.

"You will take them to Camp Half-Blood and make sure they get there, no monsters can sense or even know they are going there, so full stealth mode, you heard me?" The trio kept nodding nervously as Enychta looked very intimidating right now, his body was growing in size without his command and he was losing control over his magic, causing minor explosions around his body. As soon as the Taxi left, Enychta's body began to change and hooves grew from his feet as he turned into his Minotaur form.

His form was constantly changing from monster to monster, his size also changing as well, from the size of a small house cat up to 28 feet. His whole body was burning as he tried to keep his mind out of the gutter, but more and more images of him having sex with both Luke and Pruno in his various monster forms appeared in his mind and they looked quite appealing...Biting their neck to mark them in his Lycanthrope form, licking their whole body in his Giant Snake form, slamming deeply into their small holes with his big dick as a Minotaur, maybe even changing the lower half of his body to his Giant Snake form so he has two penises and fuck them both at the same time!

He kept pushing this thought away because he doesn't want to do that without their consent, and also because they are minors too, and if there is a Multiverse FBI agency out there, they would find him and lock him in horny jail.

Jokes like that kept him from fully transforming into his monster form and going searching for a hole to stick his dick into, so maybe he should just avoid civilization as he is until he can resist this urge that is only growing stronger and stronger. The heat traveled through his whole body, but it was focused on his penis, throbbing with pain and fully erected, needing attention that it wouldn't get from those he sought help and attention from. Eny quickly held it with both hands and began to move them up and down, trying to comfort himself as his body was constantly trying to change into a more appropriate monster form.

He kept rubbing his dick, it distracted him from the pain a little bit while keeping him distracted from everything else, the images on his mind getting wilder and wilder as he imagines having sex with both boys in kinky ways that he never thought he would like, he even thought of using the threads he can make to wrap Luke in them and fuck him while he is suspended in the air by the threads or simply use it as a bondage rope, make some simple blindfolds or even whips to whip them...

His imagination was very creative and wild when he is horny...

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Here's the reason Enychta doesn't like Annabeth, he is being territorial because of the mating season that arrived earlier than it should because the August 1st thing was only a prediction of the period, not a definitive answer. Both you the reader and Enychta were fooled!