Chapter 53: [Filler]

[Light +18 Description]

His tall body towered above their smaller frames, however, he looked more hesitant to do so, his hands were stiff as he pulled both boys to press their heads against his chest so they couldn't see his doubtful face. He didn't know if he would be able to control himself if something happens, well, not If because it was already happening. He could feel their fingers touching his body shily unknowingly teasing him and making him a little more excited than previously, his ragged breathing increasing as their hands started to get lower and lower until they were touching his waist.

He slowly growled, it kinda stuck to him like a habit as well as his slit pupils that could widen like a cat's pupil, which was happening right now. His wide purple eyes turned slightly golden as he felt the fingers slowly touch his rock-hard penis, he heard Pruno gasping when Luke suddenly also grabbed the pink-haired boy's penis as well, now having two dicks in his hands, one monstrous while the other was cutely small. His? Well, it was average, not too big like Eny's and not too small like Pruno's, it was cute though, very cute... Eny decided to forget about fear now and focus on the task at hand, which he quickly took hold of with both hands, touching was enough to make the two boys that had their heads pressed against his chest moan slightly, which was due to how fast Enychta was to hold their dicks with his big hands.

"E-eny..." Pruno moaned his name, which made Eny smirk, and like the way they submitted to him, he didn't know why but he had the urge to push them down, but he didn't. Self-control was important and he wanted to just do hand stuff with them, that would be enough, for now, he needs to find a way to better control himself so he doesn't hurt them even though they believe he would never hurt them, he isn't so sure himself. "What?" He whispered, his head between theirs, Luke on the left and Pruno on the right, his eyes caressing their bodies as he slowly moved his hands in an up and down motion... Luke didn't say anything because he knew if he opened his mouth, he would be very loud, and that would be embarrassing.

"Yes? You like it...?" Enychta asked a rhetoric question to both boys, who just nodded to answer even when they didn't notice the sarcastic tone of his voice when he teased them. "Tell me, baby, what do you want me to do to you?" This time his question was more teasing than rhetorical, he also felt a little excited, and the thought of hearing what they wanted him to do from their very own mouths made him even harder than before, his hard member throbbing in the shy hold of two hands who suddenly lost their courage and were a little shy to move.

"I-" Luke opened his mouth to say something but Enychta took that opportunity to move the hand that was holding his dick and twists it in a way that made Luke close his mouth and bite his lips as he blushed. He almost embarrassed himself by screaming back then... "touch me more..." He whispered, making Eny pull them closer to him and say: "Let's trade, okay? I touch you, you touch me, is that a great trade for you?" Pruno opened his mouth to answer but Eny did the same he did to Luke and twisted it, making him moan out loud. They all stopped, a sudden awkward silence came over and Pruno was glad his face was pressed against Enychta's chest, but not for long.

Eny pulled Pruno back and looked at him in the eyes, making Pruno uncomfortably aware of how naked he was and how lewd what they were doing was... A sudden feeling of shame overcame his mind and his face was as pink as his hair as he stated into Enychta's eyes. The evil smirk Eny had was surprisingly sexy to both boys, the target of their desire suddenly pulled them close and their dicks were touching together, it was a beautiful scene for them. They dreamed of this day and yet, here they were, too embarrassed to even look at what he was doing, only feeling the hand grabbing the three dicks at the same time and moving them together in synchrony. The rhythm of the rapid movements was immigrated by their breathing as the hands rubbed their dicks together, bringing pleasure and a little bit of anxiety to some of them.

Enychta's eyes were shining with a golden light as his pupils dilated like a cat's pupil, he looked strangely adorable even to both boys who were his hand's victims. "Come on, don't be shy, you can moan for mem" Enychta's husky voice sent shivers down their spines, they had wet dreams about him saying and doing a lot to them, but when he does what they dreamed of, they act like cowards... Pruno slowly stopped holding back and began whimpering, his whimpers were mixed with moans of pleasure, Luke was losing himself too to the pleasure Eny was bringing him. Suddenly the movements started to become faster and faster as the hands moved, the movements were rough but not painful in any way to the trio who was losing focus on their surroundings and focusing on their moment.

Pruno was the first one to cum, he couldn't hold back anymore and released his load with a loud gasping moan, which sounded sweet to the ears of both his lovers. Next was the shy Luke who as soon as felt the hot liquid gave up trying to resist Enychta's skilled hands and cummed, releasing his semen all over the other two dicks, seeing that they both had released their load, Enychta decided to grant them mercy and stopped. He was not satisfied yet but he would never force them, after all, they don't owe him sex just because they are his lovers. He could go for another few hours or so, but he resisted the two months of pure horny pain, what is a single boner that will be gone after a few minutes when he takes a cold bath? He always masturbated alone, so why should he bother them-

His thoughts were interrupted by the hands that grabbed his hard dick, not only his dick but also his balls were held by another pair of hands, he relaxed when he saw the two boys with slightly unfocused eyes smiling at him, he knew what they wanted and he couldn't let them give him a blowjob, or else he would be able to stop himself from hurting one of them. "No." He couldn't push himself further than handjobs, for now, he still didn't think he would be able to resist temptation and end up hurting them bad. Demigod of not, he didn't think they would survive what he wants to do to them... "Let's go slow, please." They just nodded and respected his boundaries, just touch, for now, that was enough...

However, they were impressed when Enychta came 50 minutes after, after having his dick stroke by both boys for 50 minutes without pause he finally released his load, and what load! They were once again impressed by the mess he made with his cum, it was at least 5 times the amount both of them released...

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Fun fact about Enychta: His human body is adapted to mating, which means his body is made to make babies, which means extra amounts of cream.

Being a Night Beast (Dark Chimera) as well as a monster (Legacy of Echidna) is hard. Very hard. They have a lot of stamina and are very dominant when mating, but outside of mating time, they are very loyal and adorable.