Chapter 50: Shackles

Quickly cleaning themselves, Enychta helped them wear their clothes and hugged them. It was important for him to get used to this lingering feeling that he has near both boys, so he needs to spend some time after ejaculation... He had this fluffy feeling inside his heart and he wanted to cuddle and be closer to them, and so he did, he looked more like a puppy wanting attention than a huge ass man with the body of an Adonis. He quickly had pruno in his left side while Luke was on his right side, with two beauties on both arms, Enychta felt like a gangster dir a second before he scoffed at that thought... He looked at the darkness and frowned, he felt like was forgetting something...

Luke felt sleepy after their little mutual masturbation session, where he finally got to see up close and touch Enychta's dick, and must he say, it took him and Pruno both hands to hold it because it was big and heavy as hell... He remembers how hot it felt in his hand, how hot it was, and the strong smell it had... Oh, and he remembers how it pulsated in his hands, how it felt like he was holding a beating heart in his hands! He swore he could hear it if he got closer, but he couldn't risk not resisting the temptation and shoving the whole thing down his throat if he got even closer... He was close to doing it several times, but he remembered Enychta's words and respected his boundaries.

Pruno, however, had a silly smile on his lips as he remembered everything that just happened and registered it on his heart and memory, the feeling of the touches on his body and him touching theirs... The temperature of the skin, the smell of the skin, the texture of the skin, the veins around Eny's member, the pounding, rhythmic, pulsating heartbeat that monster dick would throb... He kept that image super close to his precious memories, like his first kiss with Eny and his first kiss with Luke, the first time he met his mother, the first time he actively used his Demigod Abilities, and other moments such as that time with Grenade- "Wait, where is Grenade?" Pruno's barely whisper was hearable for both his lovers who were close by, it was then that Enychta remembered.

"Heh!?" Enychta groaned when he finally found out what he forgot! He forgot the fucking dog! He chuckled and quickly focused on the doggo, because of all those years they spent together, he had a special bond to his doggo. "Grenade." Calling out the Hellhound's name, they waited... They didn't need to wait much longer for the Hellhound to appear with the form of the Shiba-Inu that he so adored. "Master!" The excited yelp of the Shiba-Inu Hellhound echoed through the Zeus cabin because Grenade was summoned here, he didn't have a problem being inside the barrier for the monsters. "Master, I've waited so patiently for your call, here I am! I have successfully gathered loot from several Hellhound dens through the whole Underworld and have gathered it within my den, would you like to see it?"

The tail-wagging behind the Helhound's back was enough to show his excitement, and if that wasn't enough for you, his voice also carried his enormous excitement. Suddenly, he stopped and began to sniff the air, his tal stopped wagging for a second before it began to wag once again, he soon bowed to the trio and acknowledged as well as praised him: "I congratulate you on your successful mating! I, Grenade, loyal Hellhound to Astérie Enychta the son of the Primordial Goddess of the Night, Nyx, hereby declare undying loyalty to the pup that may be born from this bond."

The situation got awkward quickly... First and foremost, Grenade was able to notice the similar smell between the trio, which made Enychta slightly proud of himself for some reason, but if he can... What about others? Well, Enychta never cared, so why should he now? Second thing second, how the hell would he explain to Grenade that males cannot give birth and that even if they went all the way through the whole sex thing and he ended up cumming inside them, they would not get pregnant no matter how many times he tries. He is 100% sure of that! Maybe 90% sure because he isn't confident it won't happen, there is always a chance he might get them pregnant... Not that he would mind at all, having children sounds like something he would want in the future.

"Ergh..." Luke awkwardly sighed, too tired to explain to the doggo that he wouldn't get pregnant. Pruno, however, found this pretty hilarious and was giggling to himself while Enychta could only sigh a little... He had to have the talk about the birds and the bees with his dog.

-Scene Cuts-

Deep below, in the deepest pit of this universe, stood a coffin. The coffin had several chains all wrapped around it, those chains, looked to be made of pure gold too! However, there was something wrong with this scene... The coffin was being restricted by those chains above a deep, dark pit that someone couldn't see the bottom of. And although the coffin looked to be made out of red material and in great condition, the chains, however, looked to be rusted and falling apart. The coffin began to shake violently as two of the endless chains suddenly snapped and turned into golden dust and dissipated into nothingness.

A deep, guttural roar echoed as the whole place began to shake and the camera slowly backed away, revealing that the coffin was bigger than the biggest mountain in the world, and whatever it contained inside... Was alive and very much angry.

Suddenly, the shaking stopped, the roar stopped, only leaving behind the maniacal chuckle that echoed through the deepest pit of the universe, the Hole of Madness... But who is held there?

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Trade offer:

[You receive: Ominous Writing]

[I receive: Your anxiety]