Chapter 55: A Trading Quest...

On the dark, dusty attic stood a tall young man with dark hair and purple eyes, looking at a corpse that stood there, motionless. Suddenly it gasped for air even though her lungs didn't need it anymore... The Oracle of Delphi was famous for her ability to see the future, given by Apollo, but she could not see Enychta's future or in this case, his fate, for he had none. But that's not all she could do, she could also receive information and messages from the Gods, and she recently received the message from the Primordial Goddess of the Night, Nyx, to give her son a quest.

"You, young demigod, shall go east, far from the united lands, and into the deserts to seek the Veil of Secrets, whose owner is the Goddess Isis." Enychta frowned. His quest was to steal from another Goddess? "You shall trade the Veil of Secrets for the Veil of the Night, which is within the depths of the Underworld... Your mission is to first take the Veil of the Night and trade it for the Veil of Secrets, on this journey, you shall receive aid from the creatures of the night and darkness. Go forth, Demigod, and become a legend..."

The Goddess Isis, also known as Aset or Eset, is one of the most important Goddesses of Egypt because of the role she plays in various myths, such as Resurrecting Osiris and summoning a giant snake to wrestle with Apophis to defend Ra in his nightly journey... She is one of the most powerful Goddesses even by divine standards, she is worshipped in 7 great capacities: Healing, Love, Mothership, Kingship, Magic, Sky, and Universe itself... She also knows Ra's true name, making her the Head Goddess of the entire Egypt Pantheon. To summarize the myth, she collected drool from Ra, the Creator God of Egypt, and made clay with it, shaping a venomous snake out of the clay and using it to bite and poison Ra with his power...

No one can heal Ra because he is the one poisoning himself. After all, the snake was essentially his power going against him, so Isis comes in and offers to heal Ra if he gives her his true name, which he does and she becomes the greatest and strongest Goddess of the Pantheon while Ra goes to fight Apophis and Set goes to sulk in the corner. She is also the mother of Horus and wife of Osiris, so she was kinda hunted by Sett and protected by seven giant scorpions at some point, but that is not important.

So what Enychta has to do is go to the Underworld, get the Veil of the Night from his mother, leave the Underworld, go to Egypt, seek the Goddess Iris, and trade the Veil of the Night for her Veil of Secrets... Great. When he was going to ask questions to the Oracle, she already returned to her motionless pose and stood there like a sickening statue of a rotting corpse, if she was wrapped in white cloth like a mummy he wouldn't mind but this kinda sucks... Wait, Egypt? If he isn't wrong, isn't there a cannon storyline for this world's Egypt too? Enychta doesn't remember because he only read the first few books for Percy Jackson and The Olympians and his presence would change everything anyway, so why care?

He already changed Luke becoming the main villain slash antagonist, so now he doesn't care.

With a heavy sigh, Enychta got up from his seat and left the attic where the Oracle of Delphi was when he got to the entrance of the cabin In which she was located, he saw his two little lovers there with bags and their equipment, ready to go already. "You two got ready faster than I thought you would, I mean, it's been only a day since I told you I would be getting a quest from the Oracle..." Enychta felt his heart flutter as he took one of the bags that Pruno was carrying, he kissed the boy's forehead before doing the same for Luke, who asked: "So, where are we going first?" Eny chuckled at his child-like enthusiasm and explained: "The underworld, we have to get something from there first before going to our destination... Egypt." Pruno just in childish excitement when he heard they were going to the Underworld, he was so excited to see his mother face to face for the first time that he couldn't stay in the same place.

"What are we waiting for!? We already have everything!" Enychta bit Pruno's ear, making the boy groan for a second before he blushed heavily and hid his face with his hands, feeling Eny's chest rumble with his laughter as he pointed out: "You know it is almost 6 PM, right? We can go tomorrow, I want to spend the night with my family before we go to the Underworld and start this killer quest, are you okay with this, dear?"

"I mean, yeah I guess..." Pruno barely whispered and contained his embarrassment contained as he mumbled several ways he would get his revenge for Enychta teasing him in public because they were in the middle of the camp hugging intimately and even kissing, this made Pruno slightly embarrassed and wishing he could turn invisible- Wait! Quickly using his ring, Pruno turned completely invisible and ran away, barely knowing that his ring was also enchanted by Enychta with a simple [Mark] Enchantment Runic Spell, this was the only one Enychta knew and he used it on all their things, so if they got separated, he would know where they were.

Enychta didn't remember about that book in enchantment runes that he had yet to read and learn how to use, so he decided to bring it with him and learn some of it on the road, he also had his bag with a lot of things there too. Luke would bring his weapons, a Celestial Bronze sword, his Flying Boots, and dagger, as well as a shield and light armor too, Pruno, however, decided to bring his Celestial Bronze dagger, Ring of Gyges, and Luke's Leprechaun's Shoes that could make him walk on walls and ceilings too.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Fun fact: The Egypt Goddess Isis is also believed to be Io, the mother of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology!