Chapter 56: [Filler]

Chapter title: A little bit of fun

[This Happened Before Enychta came to Camp, while he was in heat still. They don't know so don't blame them for doing naughty things]

[Also, just because I am out of practice: +18]

Luke woke up again to feel the lack of the fluffiness of that black fur that normally would be lying beside him right now, but there was still his other love, Pruno, who was lying on top of him which he thanked the Gods for. He loved him and Eny, but he would confess that he would rather sleep on a fluffy chest rather than on this solid, hard bed... Is not bad, but I guess he slept for 5 years on that chest, so he got used to it.

5 Years...

He didn't believe he knows these two for 5 almost 6 years, he sighs as he looks down at the beautiful pink-haired boy who couldn't sleep alone without getting night terrors, he didn't exactly know why Pruno would get night terrors, but he knew it was loud and very, very expressive, he felt bad for the son of Demeter that was stabbed by a very sharp Celestial Bronze dagger that Pruno carries with him wherever he goes, and he used that to defend himself when he woke up completely scared. It took Luke a few minutes to comfort him enough to calm down and go back to sleep, this time hugging him for his dear life. Luke knew he had PTSD, loud noises or people punching wood would make him remember some bad memories that he would rather forget, but it wasn't easy.

Feeling the boy on top of his chest moving, Luke smiled and decided to cuddle him a little bit just like Eny would, first he wrapped his arms around Pruno's waist and pulled him till his head was touching his chin, then he nuzzled his chin In the boy's head gently and kissed it, chuckling: "Good morning." Pruno cuddled him back, hugging his torso and kissing his chest as well as sniffing his neck and greeting him back: "Good morning, Lukie." Lukie was Pruno's nickname for him, he liked it because it made him feel closer to his lover, who was very adorable right now. He moved his hands lower to touch his body and Pruno was not against it as he did the same, his fingers slowly touching Luke's muscles that although they were not as big as Enychta's, they still packed power and gave Luke a sexy appearance.

When their hands reached where they wanted, each other's dicks. The first hot touch was amazing, it felt different than their dick because of size and shape, while Luke was bigger and thinner, Pruno was small and cute, not drastically small, but compared to him he was small... And if they compare themselves to Enychta, then they would only feel their pride as men die because of the sheer size and girth of Enychta's dick, they would die if he tries to put it inside them, Luke was sure of that.

And before you say this is cheating, no it isn't. They are lovers, they are in a polygamous relationship, which means they are each other's lovers and they can seek sexual pleasure from each other, this is not a harem where they have to be little bitches waiting to be fucked by the leader of the harem, no, they can seek pleasure from each other even without Enychta's presence here. It may make him very jealous extremely jealous and a little tad vindictive, but he would understand it.

"Ahn~..." A small, whispering moan that Pruno just released sounded so sweet to his ears that it made Luke move his hand faster while Pruno had to focus to move his hand to also give him some pleasure, Pruno naturally began to submit a little to Luke, while Luke started to get a little more dominant and rough with him. His fingers began to hold Pruno's smaller member tighter while also rubbing his thumb on the 'head' of the boy's dick, he was loving every single reaction and sound that Pruno was making right now... He did not leave the boy's mouth alone but used his mouth to keep him occupied by kissing him.

They did not notice it, but Luke was on top of Pruno now while Pruno had his hands wrapped around Luke's neck and his legs wrapped around Luke's waist while Luke rubbed their dicks together, one against the other, flesh to flesh... It felt amazing for them and their kisses grew hotter and hotter at each second, the movements of Luke's hand getting faster and faster until it all exploded into a wave of pleasure and white, hot liquid. It was their first time together, but without Enychta it felt a little bit strange like something was amiss, but the feeling was quickly gone when they cleaned themselves after and kissed, cuddling closer.

If you are wondering where they were, they were at the Zeus cabin, alone together, Thalia and Annabeth were out there, training or doing whatever they were doing... "Why do you think he pushed us away?" Pruno whispered as his eyes locked with Luke's eyes, Luke sighed tiredly because he was also worried and overthought about that several times already. "I don't know... What I know is that he was scared, he looked scared, and I think he pushed us away because we wouldn't be able to help him... Or worse, we could get hurt or even make it worse I guess." These words hurt both of them, Feeling powerless was terrible, even so, when you could not help someone you loved.

-Scene Ends-

Author note:

Once again, this is not cheating (at least it is not in my books about Polygamy), if Enychta knew, he wouldn't feel hurt, he would just be highly jealous and would find a way to """punish""" them.

Have this extra chapter today while I go to read something and loathe about shit, then sleep close to 3 to 5 am to wake up at 7 to 8 am.