Chapter 72: Ice

"So, tell me about your Gods." A very serious-looking young man with light pink hair and light pink eyes looked down at the two siblings standing in front of him, they were completely tied up... Someone would even say this is kinky if not the fact that the atmosphere was completely the opposite of the kinky bondage play you would expect with people tied up in tight silk rope. "O-our Gods?" Clarisse, the female magician that had been captured alongside her brother, Carlos, spoke first a little nervous about this whole interrogation thing.

If she wasn't afraid for her life, she would think this was slightly kinky. Three hot guys with two attractive siblings tied up in rope in the middle of the night in a desert place, pun intended.

"Yes, you heard me. Don't pretend to be fucking deaf right now, your life might depend on it." Pruno's face morphed into a completely cold expression as a long and thin black whip began to materialize in front of his hand, he grabbed it and whipped it forward, as it hit the floor in front of them, they watched as the floor started to crack unnaturally... As if it dried up and got fragile, breaking a little bit, the hit wasn't even strong enough to damage the ceiling so it wasn't the whip's hit that cracked the floor (ceiling of a building) they were in, but the whip itself. And they were right in their assumption because the whip Pruno materialized was deeply infused with his withering power, capable of turning mortals to ash in a single hit.

"Calm down Pruno, darling, don't go too harsh on them... They are scared, see?" Luke came forward to try and be the nice cop in the situation as he smiled sweetly at Pruno, hands on his shoulders as he gave him a massage. "If they don't talk, we can give them to Eny, okay?" Luke whispered just low enough to look like a whisper but loud enough for the others to hear, Enychta just smirked at that as his body slowly began to change, both boys stood up from this lap as he got on all fours and his body expanded.

Skin gave room to black fur, but not just any black, Vantablack fur. His purple eyes gave in to a new shining golden color, his chin and bose stretched forward as his mouth became a snout, his teeth became sharp and pointy, his nails got black and long as a tail appeared on his back, a scorpion tail. From his back, a pair of black bat-like wings with purple veins appeared, from below his chin a long black tongue flickered, just like a snake tongue. "Good, because I am hungry~" Enychta's voice changes, becoming gruff and more animalistic, panting as saliva slicked off of his mouth and dripped on the ground, forming a small pond of saliva.

What they were doing was simple: Bad cop Good cop, but with a twist, none of them is the actual good cop and they are all bad food, only Luke is charming enough to be considered a good cop by them because he would offer them help, meanwhile Pruno and Enychta will apply pressure on them to make them break and speak! Enychta was feeling excited about this "battle", wanting to rip the two siblings in front of him to shreds, to completely rip them inside out and feast on their guts! Enychta stopped and frowned when he realized his train of thought, at that same instant:

[Legacy of Echidna: 40%

You are slowly becoming more monstrous.]

Enychta huffed at that, his reaction showing his annoyed mood as both Pruno and Luke looked at each other wondering the same thing: 'Why did his mood change so quickly?' However, this question would have to wait as both siblings opened their mouths...

And a blast of cold energy was sent out of their mouths at the same time, creating a fog around their bodies. Enychta Instantly pulled both his lovers back as he struck forward with his claws and felt it hit something hard... As the slight cold cloud disappeared, both siblings were being helped by three other magicians, each with their staff pointed towards Enychta who felt danger. His first instinct was to attack and kill the enemy, but then he realized if he moved even an inch, there was the risk of both Luke and Pruno being hit! He only stared at them, time moved on slowly for him as he watched the wizards whisper an incantation: "تجميد" (Freeze!) The trio spoke in Arabic and Enychta only had one reaction: Expand his body to protect both boys behind him.

As the three beams of cold energy approached him, his body got double the size and it was more than enough to cover the boys behind him, he prepared for impact and impact came forward.

All he felt was cold, his stomach started to burn as he increased his internal temperature with [Unique Skill] Dragon Breath, his whole body, which was frozen in a cube of ice, was trapped. The magicians gasped for air as they used all their magical power to combine three powerful spells to defeat the enemy, but before they could even think of celebrating or attacking the other two, the ice started to visibly melt... Which should be nearly impossible.

Magical Ice can only be melt by Magical Fire! Or a Fire produced by a stronger entity than the magician who cast the ice spell to freeze the target, which both means no good. In an explosive pattern, shards of ice scattered all around the battlefield that was now the top of the building they were standing on. Luke reacted fast, sword in hands he appeared behind the trio of wizards and slashed his weapon down with anger, Pruno was the same as he sent a wave of black energy towards the magicians as well, controlled in a way that it wouldn't hit Luke because Pruno doesn't want to hurt him. As the magicians slowly realized how bad things turned out for them, a pair of gigantic hands grabbed them, looking down on them was a very pissed off Dark Chimera who wanted to eat something...

[New Proficiencies Created:

Rage: 15%

Anger increases your physical status by 15% but decreases your control by 15% too. This effect can be resisted through [Will].

Cold Resistance: 10%

Your body started to become more and more resistant to the cold, maybe you can become immune to it in the future.]

Also, his Magic Resistance went from 10% to 30%