Chapter 75: Bleeding Out

Without saying anything, Luke flickered from where he was and appeared behind the old man, in the middle of the air. Sword being held by his two hands, applying greater strength as he struck down at great speed and strength, if the old man was a normal magician, he would have been dead but he is not, so he has some tricks up his sleeve! Pruno clicked his tongue as he tried to make eye contact with the old man to at least have some of his internal organs damaged and let him die naturally...

Well, he looks so old that he must have been using some sort of magic to keep himself alive for so long!

Well, he does have the Sun Disk that should be with Ra, but Ra is senile so... Yeah.

"Pruno!" Luke shouted as he began to fall, his attack was blocked by an invisible shield that when he hit the old man, the shield glowed and reflected some of the damage to him. Coughing a little bit of blood, Luke felt pain, which meant he was awake and this was not an illusion! Or he hoped so... Roots sprouted out of the ground and positioned themselves like platforms, making Pruno pant a little, he was getting tired from controlling roots and using his withering power at the same time.

Suddenly, a cloud of sand blew from the ground, it glowed with a dirty yellow aura as it formed several tiny needles of sand, flying towards Pruno who didn't have to protect himself as a big black wing blocked the sand needles, Enychta looked angrily at the other 5 magicians that were still there, his golden eyes glowed in a menacing aura as he took a big breath. A bright blue flame scattered out of Enychta's draconic form in a cone shape that went as far as 30 feet (9 Meters)! The bright blue flames melted everything that it touched and he was sure it melted the 5 magicians as well because he heard no scream of pain, they must've become ashes before they could feel the pain- Oh, they're still alive!

Standing behind a light blue transparent shield, the 5 magicians were panting as sweat dripped down their foreheads, it took them almost all of their magic to hold the dragon's breath that could have possibly destroyed them! Enychta huffed in annoyance as his neck began to bulge, soon he spits out a big black ball of acidic poison!

This special poison can melt a lot of things, Enychta is sure of that because he never had a problem eating anything!

Well, some things made him completely disgusted to try and eat it, but he is sure that even if he ate it, nothing bad would have happened to his body.

As the big sphere of black liquid quickly dell upon them, the remaining magician that still had some strength left on him touched the only not molten or burned section of the roof they were in, his hand burned because even though that part was not damaged, it was still very hot! The magician did not care as suddenly, sand started to appear from the hole, spinning in a whirlpool-like manner before swallowing the 5 wizards, however, before they could leave the black sphere of deadly acidic poison hit where they were and exploded in contact, so at least they would be hurt! It's a poison and acid, so it would burn the skin and enter the bloodstream, and if they didn't have medical attention for the next 10 minutes, they would surely die.

Enychta clicked his tongue in annoyance as the old man's eyes widened, focusing completely on the woman who was muttering a few words and closing her hands together. A thick, 5 feet long spear of ice appeared in front of him, it flew towards the woman but Enychta took the hit square on the toughest part of his draconic body: His head scales.

The spear shattered, taking a few of the scales together with it, making Enychta growl in annoyance as blood flew out of his head, the wound slowly closing up. Suddenly, Enychta heard on his head:

[Proficiency upgraded:

[Skill] Regeneration: 0%

Increases regenerative capabilities, although it won't make you grow a new head every time your head is chopped off, it can slowly help you regenerate serious damage done to you, fire is the only problem since it can't regenerate completely burned cells.

After being turned into a skill, this ability can now regenerate big injuries and slowly grow lost limbs and appendages.]

It was a surprise, but a welcomed one.

Enychta watched as Luke used Pruno's roots as platforms to jump and attack the old man's shield over and over again, hurting himself in the process as well as shattering the shield bit by bit, he was so angry that he didn't care for the damage he was receiving. His sword successfully shattered the shield but also broke in the process, leaving him to use his daggers, two of them that he continued to attack faster and faster, leaping from one side to the other, apparently the old man couldn't teleport away because the Goddess Isis was at the same time creating a teleportation spell as well as interrupting the old man's teleportation spells.

"Damned bitch..." Iskandar whispered as he dodged another strike from the speed boy who angrily jumped faster and faster each time, trying to kill him. Iskandar had to use the Sun's Disk ability to slow down time for himself for a few moments to see the blond boy, but even so, he was still having a hard time dodging his strikes. "Damned brat!" Iskandar shouted as tried to once again attack the Goddess and disrupt her concentration, she was almost finished!

Luke coughed blood as his eyes glowed in a dark golden light, he runs even faster than he has been running all this time, this was him doing something extremely hard for Demigods to do... He was developing his gift so much that it was starting to become a Divinity. "Argh!" Luke lost control of his voice, shouted angrily as from behind his heels, a pair of two small golden wings appeared, he jumped in the air as if it was solid, and began to hit the old man in all 360° angels in a spherical range. The old man Iskandar had no other option than to embrace himself for the impact, he used some spells to protect himself of course, but they didn't hold as Luke's fast attacks would hit the same place more than 10 times before he attacked somewhere else.

"I'm done." The Goddess Isis opened her eyes and used her spell, instantly teleporting the trio of Demigods with her to her dimension, leaving the old man with several bleeding wounds from various stab wounds around his old body... He coughed blood as the staff in his hand glowed, it was his last resort! The Sun Disk shattered, broke into dust, and scattered into the wind as time was rewinded for his body, every single injury vanished, but he had no mana left to use any spell, so he had to sit down on the destroyed building...

Looking around, he saw fire and destruction, it looked like an explosion had happened here, which wasn't far from that because the blue flames of that dragon melted a lot of things around. Iskandar coughed blood, looking down at his hand he saw something... One of the daggers of the blond-haired boy was still in his body. "That damned brat..." Iskandar coughed more blood as the dagger was embedded into a vital organ... "He was smart... He would've been a great magician."

And with that, Iskandar fainted... Later he died, his blood scattered around him.

-Scene Ends-


Gonna go read some Orc stories...

I like orcs and minotaurs in more than one way.