Chapter 76: Divinity?

"We still don't know for sure what exactly happened, locals, confirm that there was an explosion on site of the incident which was done by what they thought was a meteorite. However, upon further investigation, it was found remains of gas explosion and no meteorite was found, however, impact ground was found. Scientists theorize it was a small meteorite that hit the building, which was leaking gas, making the whole building crumble to dust as an explosion destroyed the place-" The reporter's voice soon faded into background noise as Luke opened his eyes, the very first thing he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling and a familiar face looking down upon him.

With pink eyes and cherry pink hair, Pruno in his handsome beauty was looking down at Luke's face, with a small smile. "Hi." A simple greeting, but so filled with raw emotion that made Luke smile unconsciously with the love he felt from Pruno's touch. "Hi." Luke greeted back in the same simple single word, but so full of raw relief of being here... When he fainted, he felt like he was dying for a second, which deeply scarred him.

Not being able to see his lovers would make him sad, and seeing him die would change them forever.

Suddenly, another familiar face appeared in Luke's range of vision, it was a dark-haired purple-eyed man with a very handsome face and a growing beard... How long has he been out for!? "You're finally awake!" The cute smile he received from his beloved Enychta made Luke's day a lot better, he was also a lot more confused by how long he was out for! "How-" Before he could finish his sentence, Pruno chuckled as he answered: "You were out for a whole week! We were so afraid something bad had happened to you, but thank all the Gods and Goddesses of every single pantheon out there that you were fine, only mentally and physically tired after doing something amazing."

Luke tilted his head sideways, even more confused. "Pruno, dear, please don't leave the details out, Luke is even more confused now." Enychta scratched the small growing beard on his chin, he smiled at Luke when he eyed his hand and said: "Oh, this? I was kinda worried about you and didn't shave... I think I'm gonna grow a beard, what do you think?" Pruno lowered his head to get closer to Luke, who thought he was going to be kissed, but instead he heard Pruno whispering on his left ear: "I already told him he would be fucking hot with a beard, but he is still insecure about that... Help me convince him to grow a beard!"

Eny heard Pruno whispering to Luke and knew exactly what they were talking about, and his suspicion was confirmed when Luke smiled at him and said confidently: "I think you should let the beard grow... You would look so much hotter with a beard than you look right now... Not that you are not very hot, is just that you will be even hotter with a beard." Luke panicked a little, he never flirted so openly with Enychta before, so he was a little nervous. Enychta chuckled at that compliment, he already wanted to grow a beard, but he wouldn't lose an opportunity to receive compliments or future compliments from his lovers, so he let them compliment him because he also liked to be pampered a little bit.

What? Just because he is a masculine, hot dominant top he can't be pampered or act spoiled? Who decided that!?

With a small smile, Enychta lowered himself to kiss Luke, who had his head on Pruno's lap, after kissing him they all heard a small chuckle coming from the Goddess of Magic of the Egyptian Pantheon, Isis, who was sitting by the tea table on the outside while looking at them through the glass door.

If you are wondering where they are, they are in Isis's pocket dimension, a small sea sided cottage with the western building style but using some Egyptian decoration, such as a beautiful golden vase with beautiful yellow flowers, or a tapestry that was the golden representing the Sun Disk, and also the beautiful hieroglyphs that told the tale of the Goddess Isis and the 7 scorpions, Ra's descent to the underworld, Ra's battle against Apophis, and the tale of how Osiris became the Lord of the Egyptian Underworld... It was a beautiful decoration.

"I am glad you like the decoration, dear." The gentle voice of the Goddess of Magic, Motherhood, Queens, Healing, and more. Her voice naturally had this effect that made you feel comfortable as if you were being hugged by your mother, but to Luke, it felt different... As if he was being hugged by Enychta and Pruno at the same time, and when looked down to see the four arms around his body, he was. That explains it. "Don't worry, I won't try to do that again... I was just curious, don't worry." Enychta didn't let go of Luke and neither did Pruno, Luke was curious about what they were talking about until he noticed his arm, it had a bandage on it... What he didn't know was that the Goddess Isis took a piece of his flesh and tried to analyze it with her magic, to see if something changed with him after he awoke his Divinity.

Technically Luke would be a God, but he wa not a God, just a Demigod with a Divinity, which was not rare, but he could ascend to Godhood yes. Just like Hercules and Asclepius did, Hercules becoming the God of Strenght while Asclepius became the God of Medicine.

If you wondering what Divinity got, don't worry, the Goddess Isis was able to learn which Divinity he got! After explaining what happened to him after he fainted, Luke was completely surprised, he didn't know it was possible but apparently, it was, and even Pruno was close to awake a Divinity! The flower Persephone gave him was much more than what it seemed. And Enychta? Oh, Isis didn't know, she couldn't see it.

After the explanation, Luke had only one question in mind, that voiced it out: "What is my Divinity?"