Chapter 99: Finally (3/4)

Pruno had tears dripping down his face as his previously open hole was filled with Luke's long dick, it hurt but it also felt good as the firm member hit his prostate when it slid down his hole, he could hear Luke's groan of surprise and pleasure at what he just did, but what made Pruno melt completely was Enychta's little chuckle that sounded right after Luke stopped and gave him some time to adjust. Pruno wanted to scream to the blond to take it out of him, but every time he breathed, he could feel the rumble of his chest as he calmed down and slowly raised his ass to the boy who smirked sexily to him... Pruno felt weak and began to take deep breaths to relax just as Luke began to slowly move.

Pulling his dick out slowly was a torture for the hyper sensitive Pruno who trembled when Luke almost took his dick out, leaving only the head inside before pushing it back inside slowly, making the previously relaxed muscles tense again and made him tighten his hole, which earned him a sexy grunt from the blond boy behind him. Pruno took a moment to appreciate Luke's muscular form, even though he was not as bulky as Enychta, but still sexy as fuck.

"I can't only watch you two do things without me, can I?" It seems like Pruno forgot about Enychta for a moment because his voice startled him, Luke also seemed to forget because Enychta was watching the blondie slowly pound Pruno's ass without even noticing the fingers moving inside him as well, Enychta pulled the three fingers he had inside Luke's ass at once, this made the boy squirm and groan while falling forward due to the sudden loss of strength on his legs. He fell on top of Pruno, who only felt Luke's dick go deep inside him as Luke pushed it down together with his whole weight, making Pruno hug the mattress of the bed in a desperate attempt to hold a moan inside hus throat, which failed completely. It was loud and made both Luke and Pruno stop for a second, as if hearing their thoughts, Enychta chuckled.

Such sound only made both boys feel hot, like they were burning, with desire as the sexy voice of Enychta said: "You can moan as loud as you can, you shout loud as you can, you can scream, you can bang, you can even shoot a gun here and no one will hear a thing... I've carved [Isolation] runes all around this room you know? I was ready for a long time..." Just as his sentence was ending, his voice was getting lower and lower, until it was barely a whisper, but it returned to fully hearable when he said: "So you two won't ignore me." They heard shuffling of some kind, Luke turned around just to feel something entering his ass, it didn't hurt as much as it would've, but it was now inside him. "Eny, what was that...?" It actually felt cold, not that it mattered since his asshole will make this thing hot in a few minutes.

"A butt plug." Enychta answered as if it was obvious, Luke wanted to ask him where he got such things but he choked his question when Enychta got up and walked to where Pruno was, standing in front of him with a wide smile. "Now, what about we get both your holes to work?" Enychta asked and sat in front of the blushing mess that now was the pink-haired boy who had a whole 12 inches cock for himself to savour, after all, Enychta was a monster. "Why are you just standing there? Come on, I know you want this, you've always been the first person to come to mind when it comes to who would give me my first blowjob... In human form, that is." He quickly added before a confident smirk replaced his small frown, he placed two fingers inside Pruno's mouth and began to instruct him on what to do with authority in his voice, Pruno liked it when he did that, so he simply did whatever Enychta said him to do.

"Use your tongue." He used his tongue around the fingers and watched as Eny moved them down his mouth, making him gag a little bit before he pulled his fingers out, Pruno had his eyes closed when he gagged and when he opened them again, he had a dick ready to be served right in front of his face. "Suck it." This was the only order he received, and he did his best to at least try and suck it, which was something hard for him to do! It was too big for a starter like him to do it, he still had gag reflex! First, as Eny told him, he began to move his tongue up and down the whole member, more around the head area than the rest, but he was using his own saliva as a lubricant to ease what was to come! Meanwhile, Luke was still moving his dick in and out, as if he was practicing meditation, it repeated, in and out at a slow speed that only teased the poor hole that stretched open to accommodate his dick.

He looked at Pruno and felt jealous, just a little bit, after all he also wanted to take a lick at it and see how it tastes... He began to lower his body, he was taller than Pruno, so he easily reached and made eye contact with Eny, his eyes were glowing golden but Enychta didn't back down and greedily gave him a lick while pressing Pruno down and constantly pounding his ass, he was getting speed, and Luke was vet fast, so it was no surprise when be began to move his dick in and out at a blur! Pruno was wincing and tears were falling off his eyes but Enychta pulled him by his chin and kissed him! Pruno's eyes widened, not because of the kiss, but because of the long and thin tongue that was Enychta's tongue now.

Enychta's saliva had a different taste than it normally has, he could feel it, it made him calm and his muscles relaxed a little bit, easing up Luke's work as he kept moving even faster now! His tongue, dick, and ass were a little hot and itchy... He felt great, he could keep going.

What Enychta gave him was a weak venom, it wasn't poisonous nor harmful, but because he can produce venom and control it, even making medicine he had already consumed before or knew how to make, he made some muscle relaxant mixed with some mild painkillers and a little bit of a weak aphrodisiac to make Pruno ignore the pain and focus on the pleasure. He will make sure that their first time together will be pleasurable! And talking about pleasure, Luke lasted 15 minutes, along with Enychta's teasing and kisses with his medicine that gave him a little bit of aphrodisiac effect, making him feel hornier than before and cumming.

One less condom, a whole box to go through.