Chapter 100: Finally (4/4)

Panting, the blond haired Luke wiped the sweat out of his forehead and groaned while taking his now soft dick out of the loose hole of the poor Pink haired boy that was trembling due to being oversensitive now. He just had his first prostate orgasm and it felt incredible, he was still sensitive and could feel the air around him, he felt when Luke took it out and a rush of coldness hit his hole as he separated, it felt like cold water dripping down his hole just after he took a nice warm bath. The clash between temperatures made him shiver more in an embarrassing show of a new found kink!

Bondage? BDSM? Who knows, but oh, what would Pruno give to see Eny in leather... Okay, he is definitely a pervert.

"Good boy..." Said Enychta, whispering on his ear as Pruno slowly licked his dick again, even his tongue felt sensitive to the touch, which was already burning due to the hot kiss he and Eny shared, but maybe it was due to something else entirely. "Now, open wide." His gentle but still commanding voice made Pruno open his mouth without question and swallowed his girthy, veiny dick, his muscles relaxed as he could take almost 1/3 of Enychta's penis before he stopped and got lost in the sensation of having something inside his throat beating steadily like a heart... That may sound strange, but Pruno could feel Enychta's heartbeat through his dick. It was both weird and arousing to him because Enychta's dick would twitch with his heartbeat, and it felt great when it twitched.

While Pruno was completely focused on sucking him off, Enychta was simply kissing Luke out of his mind and giving him a little bit of his saliva, his long and forked tongue was deep inside Luke's throat as he kissed him, wet sounds resonating from the two of them as salive dripped through Luke's gaping mouth after Enychta kissed him silly. "I love the expressions you both make..." Enychta began to move his hips, it started slowly until he was fully fucking Pruno's mouth, he only had to relax and breath through his nose and gasp for air when Eny would fully take his dick out of him before pushing it further down roughly. Pruno didn't mind at all! No, he was loving this, he wanted Enychta to be rougher with him, bite him, mark him with his scent or whatever Monsters do with their mate!

Luke didn't know when but he was flipped over and had his face on the bed while his ass was up, and invading him was the long and forked tongue of Enychta the best person Luke ever met before... And, oh, it felf so good inside him... So warm, so wet with his saliva that burned him and only made him want more, he wanted Enychta's dick inside him but he was scared of what would happen if Eny used his weapon of ass and apparently throat destruction! Pruno had his eyes filled with lust and daze as pleasure made him simply ignore everything, Luke was the same as was Eny to a lesser degree. He could only focus on bringing pleasure to them as well as receive pleasure from them, he was preparing Luke to take his first time as well when he did it with Pruno.

He made the muscle relaxant stronger and Luke didn't had the strength to use his arms anymore, so he was face first on the couch, something Enychta helped him with. Pruno choked his moans as suddenly, Enychta came inside his mouth, Enychta's dick could reach deep so he didn't choke on it as it simply went down his throat. After a whole minute cumming, Enychta pulled it out, accidentally covering Pruno's whole face with his withe cream as he panted.

Only this sight made Enychta's dick instantly hard again, he took his tongue out of Luke's ass and used it to clean Pruno's face clear off any and every white liquid, even his eyelashes and eyebrows had cum in them, he chuckled at that before he licked him clean, he would have to take a bath later, which Enychta will be more than happy to help with. "Ah..." Pruno sighed in delight, his eyes slowly closing as he has been face-fucked for over 5 minutes before Enychta felt satisfied, and as Enychta can control any and all liquids that leaves his body, he changed the cum. Not the flavor because Pruno seemed more than happy to tasty as natural as he could, but he changed the cum a little bit so it wouldn't give him stomachaches later on, because it happens! He did his research to not hurt them in any possible way... or try not to at least (He just doesn't remember which side it makes the other sick, if by throat or ass...)

After Pruno quite literally fainted from pleasure, Enychta grabbed with his hands both the two muscular, fat cheeks of his blond lover who moaned in surprise as the tongue went back inside his ass without any resistance. "Please, Eny, I can't- I-" Between pants and moans, Luke began to beg, something that made Enychta's hard dick twitch fiercely, he instantly pressed Luke down as he took a condom for himself, he didn't know which size was his so he bought the biggest one there, an XLLL+ size, it fit perfectly on him and rested his dick just touching Luke's asshole. "Hum..? What did you say, baby? Can you repeated that louder?" His teasing and hoarse tone made Luke's body twitch, he also felt Eny using his dick to slap his ass cheeks, which surprised him by a lot but he only gasped in surprise. "R-really?" Luke blushed, he wanted to beg but he was too embarrassed to do so, Enychta was slowly cracking his shyness away with more teasing.

"Yeah." Enychta's simple reply was followed by the noise of the lube bottle opening, and Luke felt his already wet hole getting wetter. "You just have to say what you want, you know? I can't do it without knowing you want this. I am going to break you in half with my dick if you let me, but if at any moment you want me to stop, you have to say it." He said, words seemingly covered with honey as they entered Luke's ears and melted his brain and heart, his already red face took a redder tone as he nodded and said shyly: "F-fuck me... Please, Eny, fuck m- Argh" Before he could finish his sentence, Enychta was already halfway inside him. And it hurt, oh how it hurt, but Luke's ass muscles relaxed quicky and didn't tighten up as they would've if it wasn't for Eny's tongue, Luke would feel pain sure, but he wouldn't wake up almost dying of soreness the next day, sure it would be sore, like really sore, but it would be bearable. And he would also be able to sit down and walk a little, even though he wouldn't be able to run for a few days at least.

"Take it out! Take it out! It's gonna split me in half-" Luke's cries made Enychta's heart bleed, do he did not do what he asked for, but instead distracted him with sweet words of nothing and kisses on his earlobes as Enychta changed their position so Luke would be lying on top of Enychta's stomach. It hurts a lot, but slowly Luke's ass relaxed and it didn't feel as bad as it did, thanks to the muscle relaxants. "I'm gonna move now." Enychta whispered on his ear as he started to push further inside, making Luke wince at the foreign feeling of having something inside him going up and not down... He also felt like he needed to shit. it's a normal reaction for someone bottoming for the first time, or at least was what Enychta learned from a few elders (he called them elders because... why not?)

If you're wondering how Enychta made his research since the internet is just starting to become a successful and wide thing, he just found two guys who were really weirded out by how he found them but were a little happy to answer the questions when they learned it was from a Demigod. They were both of supernatural origin, being both what you would call Werewolves and apparently had some friends with demigods from the North Pantheon... It was with the wiser gays that he prevented their first time being shitty and extremely painful. Even though he was very rough with poor Pruno, he thinks he liked it, but just to be sure he also used [Unique Skill] Healing on him to help

"Shh... Just breathe... Don't worry, I'll take care of you." Enychta whispered and smiled, his tongue licking Luke's neck and a place to bite, he felt like he wanted to bite him just a little bit, but he wouldn't do that because he would be hurting him more. Luke's ragged and quickened breathing slowly began to calm down as Eny began to move slowly deeper until his full length was inside Luke, he could see how the boy's stomach bulged and expanded to accommodate him too, he was too big that he was inflating him with size alone. Thank Gods he used a condom...

What? They live in a world where Gods and Monsters walk around, you think that a mam being able to impregnate another man is strange!? Enychta isn't taking any chance!

The grunts and hisses of pain soon became the little gasps and moans of pleasure as Luke lost himself at the heaven that Enychta brought him to, no longer speaking words but only little moans to every teasing or kinky question Enychta made, his body answering it sincerely... Until he suddenly felt Enychta push all of length inside him and he felt it bulge and press his prostate, making him faint in pure bliss.

After the few seconds cumming, Enychta pulled his dick out, but he pulled it too fast and the condom stayed inside Luke's ass while Enychta kept cumming more and more, without being able to stop it. He ended up cumming all over the room and bed, making a mess... At least they weren't awake to see him do this embarrassing show, after two whole minutes cumming, he stopped and looked at the mess he made and just took a photo of it, memories are great to keep. He smiled at the two lovers of his that now smelled like him, now that his mating was complete, they both officially became hid "mates", he will be even more protective and possessive than before.

"Let's clean this up..." And clean it he did, he first took both lovers and and settled them at the bathroom while he quickly cleaned the room up and took out the sheets, changing them for something more clean. After, he got on the bathroom and washed his lovers while whispering sweet words, he was so happy that you could see his imaginary wolf tail wagging all around. After clean-up, he settled them on bed and took a quick shower to get rid of the sweat and cum from his body and laid down with them, snuggling closer and closer until he had both of them comfortably resting their heads against his chest.

Not knowing if they were awake, nor caring if they were, Enychta smiled and whispered: "Hm... I'm so happy... But so sacred and nervous, when i saw you hurt i knew i failed protecting you... Pruno. But i also realized i was taking you and Luke for granted, i was taking you for granted... I'm so stupid. I promise i'll cherish you and work hard for your love, for the trust i feel like i broke when i couldn't stop that son of Ares from hurting you... I'm sorry. I love you. Goodnight. I... I'll take you out tomorrow, both of you, a surprise..." Enychta smiled to himself, hoping they weren't awake.

But they were, in fact, awake and listening to his ramblings.