Chapter 171: Little Fun (1/?)

[+18 Description:

Trying kinks: Male Lactation, Dirty Talking]

"Hm..." Groaning in pleasure, Enychta smiled gently as Luke gently licked his left nipple, his eyes half closed in delight as Pruno sucked the right one, humming happily while Enychta growled in pleasure. "Good." He chuckled as both continued to suck his nipples in delight, Luke was humping against his leg and Pruno was closer to his stomach, humping on his muscled stomach. "So needy..." He chuckled as Luke whimpered when Eny used his left hand to grasp Luke's long but thin dick, teasingly pressing his thumb against the leaking head of said dick. "And you too..." Enychta did the same to the albeit smaller, much needier Pruno, who groaned while biting down on Eny's right nipple.

"You both really like it, huh?" Enychta wasn't really surprised to see how his beloved lovers would dry hump against him with such gusto and happiness, it's been a while since they last had a time for themselves, where they could have some pleasure and Enychta was going to let these two have their fun with him. "I wonder...?" Enychta whispered, he could shapeshift freely, so maybe he could do this?

There was this strange liquid dripping from Enychta's nipples while they both sucked them, it had a strange sweet taste that was quite light and not nausiating, it also made them feel hotter- It increased libido? No, it just warmed their bellies, it was milk. "Huh, interesting." Pruno whispered as his cheeks hollowed out as he sucked harder and harder, greedily sucking the dripping liquid from Enychta's nipples with such delight on his eyes that would make someone compare him to a young child. "Tastes so good." Enychta chuckled while Pruno acted like he never drank milk before- So yeah, Enychta appearently can brestfeed too, since he can prodcue milk.

Good to know, because in the future? It'll be useful for their children- There's nothing to be ashamed of, since he wants to be a good father and feed his young monsters, oh my god, he'll call them his 'Little Monsters'!

Or maybe his 'Pups'?

Anyway, the pleasure he felt was shared among his bond, making them know that he was, indeed, having fun with this new experience.

(A/N: Did you know that men can indeed breastfeed? That's so cool. And very kinky.)

He could now control his abilities beter than before, so he willed a few features of his demonic transformation- Mainly his extra pair of arms! From his torse, the bones of his ribs moved and cracked as a new pair of bones grew faster than the blink of an eye, the muscle and tissue pulled itself away as an exact copy of Eny's arms grew out of him, he used his new two arms to work on their little needy asses, since their dicks were working on humping his hands, he was making sure to tease them with his thumb on the head of their penis.

"Eny-" Pruno groaned and pulled back his head as Enychta kissed him, his gorgeous pink lips being bitten by the growling Enychta Astérie- "Fuck-" He smirked because not only did he bite those gorgeous lips, he also used his other right hand to grab his small (by comparison, i mean, Enychta's massive) ass and grasped it tightly. "Relax..." Luke mewled like a kitten when Enychta pulled out his shorts, Luke was wearing a very tight underwear, courtesy of Enychta's perverted mind that liked to do one ittle thing- His fingers grasped the underwear and pulled it, tearing it apart with his bare hands.

He loved ripping it into shreds.

`Pruno, however, was wearing jockstraps that Enychta gave him, his crotch was tightly guarded while his beautiful little asshole was open to the wind- And Enychta's fingers, that slowly burshed against it, teasingly, before pushing inside and pulling out, pushing inside and pulling out, slowly and very much teasingly. "Fuck- Eny!" Pruno mewled almost like Luke, while Luke sounded like a kitten, Pruno sounded like a very horny man who wanted to be roughly fucked for more than 48 hours. Which Enychta could easily do!

Two fingers pushed deeper inside his ass as Pruno squirmed, Enychta's hand that was still holding Pruno's dick stopped him from cumming instantly, he started to slowly use his two fingers began scizoring Pruno's asshole, stretching his inner hole as much as possible, because even though he knew they couldn't be permanentçy hurt by him, they would still feel pain if he doesn't prepare them. "Such a great bitch..." Hummed Enychta, he grew to like talking a little bit dirty to them, maybe he found another kink he had? Oh well, he liked a lot of things, so what's one more to his collection?

"Hm!" Luke suddenly groaned loudly when two fingers pushed against his hole and entered him without a warning, Enychta knew he liked it a little bit rougher, so he pushed his whole fingers down his asshole and began preparing him without regards to how rough he was being. "You like it, don't you? My little, cute slut..." Pruno was trying to ride his fingers, moving his bubble butt up and down his fingers, he let him do so and focused a little bit more on Luke- "Moan for me, bitch." He growled before he pressed his thumb pressed hard against Luke's penis head, rubbing against the sensitive skin.

"Please- Please, Eny please." He was already becoming a mess before he even had Enychta's dick inside him! On the other side, Pruno was trying hard to make himself cum only to be denied by Enychta's nail that pressed against his uthera and prevented him from cumming- But why did he loved it so much? This pain, this delicious torture... "Eny..." With saliva dripping from the corner of his gaping mouth, Pruno's pink eyes focused on Enychta's glowing golden eyes in a silent please.

"You wanna, huh?" Enychta's smirk grew as he teasingly pushed another finger inside, deeper and deeper, stretching him further. "Then beg, my delicious, delicious little bitch..."

"Please, Eny!" Luke had a few tears in the corner of his eyes as Enychta ignored him for a moment, tendrils of darkness wrapping around his body tightly, teasing his nipples and dick, Enychta's four fingers deeper inside him than it already was. "Not you, baby, you'll have your turn... I wanna break him first, you can definetly watch if you want, or you can join if you want..." Luke nodded enthusiastically, he really wanted to fuck or be fucked right now.

"Okay then, come."

-Scene Ends-

Author Notes:

These are my attempts at two kinks that i find interesting, albeit i don't find male lactation hot, it's just cool that men can breastfeed!

That's worthy being kinky about.