Chapter 172: LIttle Fun (2/2)

[+18 Description:

Kinks used: Light BDSM, Light Masochism, Biting, Spanking, Orgasm Denial, Excessive Cum, Cum Marking, Light Cum Inflation, Breeding Kink, Dry Sex, Uthera Insertion.]

"Open wide..." Enychta hummed as Pruno spread his legs, his asshole winking, opening and closing as Enychta watched with a smirk on his lips- without waiting for Pruno to relax, he pushed his massive (For Pruno's size) dick down his delicious asshole. Luke was to the side, wrapped around in tendrils of drakness that were playing with his body, mostly slapping his ass and carresing his neck and slapping him slowly. "Fucking- Yeah..." When Enychta pushed his WHOLE dick inside Pruno's little asshole- "Fucking bitch, take it all-" Enychta was smirking proudly at the sight of Pruno's face: Eyes pushing on the top of his head, mouth hanging open, sweat and saliva dripping from him, inviting him to kiss him, which he did.

"So full..." He heard Pruno chuckle before his tongue entered the smaller man's lips, taking control over him as Enychta began moving his hips- He pulled Pruno's shoulders to his chest and pressed their bodies together to the bed, he stopped kissing hmi and began to fuck his brains out! Since Pruno was 152 cwntimeters (5'5 feet) and Enychta was 260 centimeters (8' feet), he had to stretch his tongue to continue to lick Pruno's tears and push his tongue deep inside his haping mouth, which resulted on him having a 60 centimeter (2'5 feet) long tongue

LUke, however, was crying on the corner- His ass was red and pulsating, but he liked it so much- The pain drove him insane, he made sure that Enychta knew he was enjoying himself when he felt a sense of worry through their bond, Enychta knew their Safe Words and would immediatly stop whenever he said them, no matter how deep into his Heat he may be- Such as now. Luke could only watch from the side as Enychta's 35 centimeters (13 inches) drilled inside Pruno's ass, how thick it was- I mean, it was a little thinner than Luke's neck, so about 26 centimeters (10' inches) thick? Crazy, but they're Gods, they don't have internal organs to destroy, well, they can have if they want, just like how Enychta is hitting Pruno's prostate ruthlessly while denying him his orgasm bu using a fleshy tendril and pushing it down the uthera hole and trapping Pruno in an cum-less paradise and hell.

Since he wasn't allowed to cum before Enychta did, Pruno could only tighten his hole as much as he could, but there wasn't much he could do on that- Tightening made Enychta groan and fuck him harder, which then would make him want to cum faster. This brought tears to his eyes, eah thrust was both a bliss and torture, but each thrust was worthy it in the end because Enychta didn't want to torture them to the point of colapse (And also because he really wanted to cum, several times today, which made him very impatient- Heats were hard on him) so he pushed it all down with a single brutal thrust and pulled Pruno's destroyed ass further into his dick as his thick white liquid started to fill him up.

It was like hot magma dripping inside him, so warm, so thick, reaching the depths of his body, he felt his stomach bulge at the sheer amount of Eny's seed that was utterly filling him to the brim- He absolutely loved this sensation, he was lost on this feeling for the moment and did not notice how Enychta pulled it out of him and began cumming on his stomach, marking his body with his cum- He can't help it, he likes when they smell like him, and seeing them covered on his cum makes him happy.

It was now Luke's turn, Enychta walked towards him, leaving Pruno on the bed as he approached the tightly held Luke, who blushed hard when he saw the still hard member of Enychta dripping some cum on the floor- "Are you ready, my baby?" Enychta's husky voice asked as he pressed his dick against Luke's little hole, Luke noly nodded since his mouth was full with a dark tendril, Enychta only gave him a second before he pushed his slightly lubrified penis inside Luke's ass. Previously he had fucked Pruno completely dry, which Pruno appearantly loved because now, Luke was being fucked by Enychta's slightly lubrified penis- Lubrified by his own semen.

"Such a cute whore you are, baby." Enychta praised him as Luke took all of his penis in one single push, of course Enychta stopped him from cumming by doing the same thing he did to Pruno, inserting a thin tendril on his uthera to stop him from cumming. "Hmm-" Luke moans were stopped by the tendril of darkness on his mouth, Enychta did not stop there, no, he simply began to move his dick faster and faster inside him, not caring for Luke's pleasure- Which was what he loved, what he wanted. Luke felt pain and pleasure at the same time, and he absolutely loved it.

Enychta released him from being held by the tentacles and took hold of him, holding his waist and legs- Back pressed against Eny's chest and legs on his stomach, Luke was utterly fucked without mercy! He could see his stomach nulging to accomodate the absolute monstrosity that was Enychta's penis. "So good, such a great bitch, such a good slut." Luke flushed, embarrassed to be praised but also secretly. "Look at you- Your ass is sucking me so easily...What a perfect little slut you are." Another deep push and Luke's ass had swallowed Eny's dick till the hilt, "You're so good- So tight and amazing... I thik you deserve a reward, don't you baby?"

Luke couldn't asnwer before gushes of cum were pumped inside him, ruthlessly bringing to orgasm, the tendril inside his uthera was removed at the same time Enychta began cumming inside him- It was a hot, slimy sensation that he had felt thousands of times before, but this one was different because he was both deeper inside him, but also because Luke, for the first time in a while, was brought to near unconciousness as his vision went white- He cummed so hard without being touched that Luke would dbe ashamed (or proud) of hitting the ceiling with his cumshot.

Enychta was definetly proud.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

Yes, Enychta has a massive breeding kink.

And his size and girth? Well, he's the god of monsters after all.