Chapter 187: Final Showdown

The Endless One was an entity of stardust and madness, void and chaos, but it's main weakness was the fact that it was also it's greatest weakness.

To be become the Endless One, Pruno Begoni, Luke Castellan, and Enychta Astérie fuse together, their minds, their Divinities, their very soul become one- So, when one soul is hurt, they all are hurt at the same time- But there's a defense mechanism that they share, well, it comes from Enychta's soul, his very instinct was to protect the two beloveds with his all heart. So, he protected them from the vision of the true form of the Eldritch Creatures before them.

The very presence of Azathoth would be enough to drive both Pruno and Luke to the depths of insanity, but Enychta took upon himself to protect their minds from said dangerous sight, his [Eldritch] Divinity already made him insane by default, so he was unnafected by the presence of so many eldritch gods before them. Yog-Soggoth, Shub-Niggurath, Magnum Tenebrosum, Magnum Innominandum, Ycnàgnnisssz, and Ngyr-Korathn were already there, they knew they were overwhelmed by these creatures...

They needed help.


[A̸̠̦͍̥̜̺̹̙͚̳̔̑͒n̵̢̡̖̜͓̉͒͂̌̓̈́̑͝n̴̡̘̻̰̥̻̳͈̰͓̞̖̥͛̄̓̎̓̎̾̏̃̋̓̆ơ̸̡̡̨̢̯̠͔̻͖̥̇͂͂̅̎͜͝y̸̛̲̖͖̥̳̣̮̱̗̯̗̆̃̿͐̕̕į̴͓̫̃́̏̃́̿͠͠n̷͖̼͕̗͎̳͍͇̳̩͍͔̼̖̾̋̉̆̋̇̕g̸̛͇̪̪̻̞͙̫̮̲̭͓̥̤̺̖͗̀̏́̎̕] Azathoth hissed, his many eyes staring deeply into the blue mist.


Shub-Niggurath opened her many mouths, and from her mouths, tiny insect-like creatures flew out, floating in the endless void of Outer Space- They were the size of whales, but to them, they were insects. Those things spread and tried to enter their body, but due to their endless hunger, each and every tiny creature was devoured by their blue stardust before it could even go deeper. [Interesting] The voice of Shub-Niggurath was like a gutter of a goat cry, echoing in a dark forest, she did have the title of Black Goat of the Dark Woods after all.

Yog-Soggoth's lights flickered in an uncomfortable sight, but before they could understand why it happened, Yog-Soggoth was saying: [Time changed again... Destiny is being devoured by their very presence, i, for the first time ever since my birth, cannot say what will happen now- My Lord, i ask you, let's not fight them]. Of course he did not say these words specifically, but Enychta's [Eldritch] Divinity translated the words that echoed through the endless chaos of the Outer Space.


[Ą̶̺͈̱̺̻̍̏̾̂͒̉̐̇ͅn̶̖̞̘͍̖͐̂͐̒́̚͜ͅd̷̡̞͋̑́̈́ ̵̨̢͙̻̳̮̮̺̯͚̈̈́̃̿͛w̴̯̹̗̹̜͖̱͚̳͋͗̀̎̒̿̾̀́̀̎̕͜h̸̻̬̭̪͙̳̥̭̀͒͆͜ȳ̵̧̚ ̷̢͇̺̈́̔̇͌̐̅͠w̴̧̲̹̽͊̀̄̃̀͋̏͘ò̵̫͇̩̽͌u̵͍̥͉̻̠̪͑͛̕l̷̨̨̗͉͖͇͎̇̈ͅď̶̡͎̻ͅ ̸̛̣̥̮͙̘̐͐̏͂̕͜͜͝ī̶̛̜͔͚̜̼̫̓̐̆͊̏̇͘̚͝ ̴̛͓̘̗̻̲̰̠̠̗̍̋̐̿̉͒͝ḷ̶̡͎̱͎̂̆̑̏͜ȋ̸̡̡̫͓̻̤̯͎͕͍̓̐̐̑̑͘ͅs̵̤̫̠͓̽̈̐̊̕t̸̤̺̻̪͉̼͋̇̂̓͝͠͠ě̶͕͗̎̈́͒̽̈̚n̵̟̮̫͖͎̰̙͙͋́ ̷̺̠̰̳̠̘͋͊̊̒ţ̶̨̯̲̜̦̫̝̿̑̌̒̈́̈́̕͜o̷̡̨͇̙̱̯̟̗͎͌̿́̈̈̍͗̕̚ͅ ̵̱̼̊̈́̽͒̀͋ỵ̴̓͊͊̈́̀̿̔o̴͇̟̅̊ư̴̹͉̘͕̎̂̍͌͐̃̏͑͌̈́͘?̸̩͈̭̙͉̙͚͆̍͐͋̍͂̃͛̍] Azathoth asked, voice ever calm.


[I do not like the fact they are sane- their souls are so close together that if we destroy one, we will destroy the others, but it feels strange in my opinion.] Yog-Soggoth hummed, his large balls (heh) of light flickering between red and blues, settling on purples and golds, seemingly mocking a certain God of Monsters whose eyes would turn golden or purple depending on his mood.

[You were always the coward, Yog-Soggoth] Magnum Tenebrosum, the endless darkness that spread around, spoke. Their voices were so different from each other- It had ten voices, each different from the other, each speaking in a different accent, each speaking a different language, each whispering or shouting their words. [I say we eat them- Souls and Minds]

"I don't think it would be okay." A sudden voice echoed in the darkness, no one was surprised by his appearence, but there stood the Lord of Hell himself, Lucifer MOrningstar, Vice of Lust and God of Hell. "My son is someone important to me, so i would like if you stay away from him..." Enychta could feel his father's sanity slowly vanishing from his mind as he stared at the true form of the Eldritch Outer Gods- So he did what he thought would be best.

Using his [Familiy] Bond skill, from his [Family] Divinity, Enychta connected himself to Lucifer and stopped the spreading of insanity on his mind by simply doing the same he is doing to Pruno and Luke. "Oh, this is better..." Most Outer gods were on the Elder God category, so Lucifer could comfortably take one of them in a fight, but thankfully he wasn't alone, because from behind him, a goat-like creature stepped out, it had a goat head and a goat body, but their arms were humanoid, since it had opposable thumbs. "So this is my brother?" Enychta instantly knew who this was- Mephisto, Vice of Sloth and brother of Enychta Astérie.

"HEY!" A loud and rumbunctios voice echoed from behind Lucifer as Enychta spread his [Family Bond] to them all- A tall woman with a buff body, red skin, and red horns on the top of her head (She really looked like an ogre) stood there behind Lucifer. Enychta also knew who she was- "Nemeth's here to challenge you puny creatures to a fight!" Oh, this was his sister, Nemeth, Vice of Wrath.

Both his siblings were on the Elder God Ranking as well.

Stopping them from going insane was important to him, so he spread his bond to them as well, making sure to stop any effect the Eldritch Outer Gods had over them.

There was Yog-Soggoth, Shub-Niggurath, Magnum Tenebrosum, Magnum Innominandum, Ycnàgnnisssz, and Ngyr-Korathn- 6 Elder Gods from Azathoth's side.

Lucifer, Nemeth, Mephisto, Enychta, Luke, Pruno- 6 Elder Gods on his side, but Enychta, Pruno, and Luke were fused together, their strenght combined was enough to hold Azathoth himself- Which is what they are about to do.

"Let's end this quickly... I'm sleepy, i want to go back to my bed." The goat Mephisto hummed, his eyes closing as he floated there, sleep deep rooted in his soul. "Well, I'm exctied to beat the shit out of these little bitches!" Nemeth grinned, making the Endless One question if she was really a daughter of Lucifer- But they couldn't be distracted right now.

In an instant, chaos broke loose.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

Shit's about to go down, and then this fic ends- We will ahve extras of course, but maybe i'll make a continuation following the journey of one of their kids? Maybe. I'm very conflicted, because i wanna continue this fic a few more chapters but i also want to end it after this ark...? Does tha make sense?

Because i love this fic, it's my baby, but i want it to have an ending.