Chapter 188: Hubris

The Endless One shifted, pulling Azathoth towards them- It wasn't easy, but they could do it, the blue mist wrapped around the endless form of the Blind God- One of Azathoth's Divinities is the divinity of [Destruction], as well as [Creation], he could create as well as destroy things- One of the things he cannot destroy is souls, or things with souls, so when the blue mist wrapped around his strange broken form, he couldn't help but watch in curiosity...

They used their [Dimension] divinity to transform their mist into a portal to another dimension- BEcause surpprise surprise! In their Endless One form, they exist in every single dimension at the same time. Albeit not in their blue mist form, they exist in one way or aother- Be it a blue flower in the Fey, or a sapphire in the Elemental Plane of Earth. They exist there, they exist in some form and that form is easily controlled by them- So, knowing the best Dimension to bring the Destroyer of Universes would be a dimension completely unrelated and unconnected to any and every single other dimension- Specially Midgard, or Earth in this case.

Because if they go to a dimension connected to Earth, Azathoth could easily enter the universe and completely destroy it- They have to bring him to an empty dimension, and they have the perfect place!

The Abyss, where Erebus was sent to to spent thousands of years as a punishment for sleeping with Lilith and giving birth to an abomination, half Eldritch God and Half Greek Primordial God.

Now, the Endless One brought the Leader of Abominations into the Abyss, an endless dark, lightless void of whispering madness, which was very similar to Outer Space, but it wasn't Outer Space because they couldn't move around at will like he could when he was inside the Outer Space, his Divine Domain.

Taking him out of that place was the right decision, because Outer Space was Azathoth's Divine Domain, meaning they wouldn't be able to defeat him there, the only hope they had was to take him out of his domain, which Azathoth wilingly went along with- Curious about what they would do, where they would bring him, and he was extremely confident he wouldn't be defeated.


Also known as Deadly Pride... Well, this is kinda of an irony, because the term hubris comes from the greek hybris, which is used as a mortal flaw of Demigods who believe them to be incredibly stupid and do stupid things that end up killing them because they are believe themselvse to be even better than the Gods themselves.

And here we have him- The God that was so confident on his own abilities that he didn't even consider the possibility that he would lose. Just like a prideful demigod who believed he could fly to olympus in the back of Pegasus, thinking they were worthy to join Olympus because he was just as the Gods, or even better than them.

-Scene Cut-

Their blue mist spread around them, their stars illuminated the darkness of the Abyss, which should've been impossible, but impossibility is possible due to their divine Reality Bending ability, which is something amazing that only Conceptual Gods have.

But now, the three- Enychta Astérie, Pruno Begoni, and Luke Castellan, together, became a Conceptual God!

Strong enough to take on Azathoth- Who only realized it as he felt pain, pain was a foreign concept to him, but now he was feeling it right now. A wonderful and dangerous feeling that he couldn't help but like it- That's what pain felt like?

The blue mist crushed and broke, absorbed the non-existent flesh of the God of the Dreamed Reality, It screeched, it sang, it moaned in delight and pain as the darkness around it bent, broke and spread like tendrils of energy that lashed out against the incorporeal form of the Endless One- Because unlike Azathoth who was both corporeal and incorporeal, the endless One was simply incorporeal and had no corporeal form at all, so therefore if Azathoth wanted to damage their form, he needed to use conceptual attacks that would damage an incorporeal being.

Like Psychic attacks that every single Eldritch Entity hhas the ability to use, but he has many divinities that he can use for this situation, albeit his [Destruction] Divinity cannot hurt the Endless One, his [Eldritch] Divnity can, even though it isn't very effective because they also have the [Eldritch] Dinivit, reducing the amount of damage they would take from the psychic whip attack.

Azathoth growled as it lashed out, raising a darkness tendril and covered it in his own [Evil] Divinity and hit the center of the galaxy-like entity that was devouring his body, it didn't hurt as much as he thought it would because they have the [Demon] Divnity, which is superior to the [Evil] Divinity, therefore the [Evil] Divinity is not so effective against them.

Azathoth also attacked with all divinities he had- His gargantuan maw bit down on the stars of the mist, using his [Monster] and [Abomination] divnity to try and deal some damage, but of course the Endless One also had the [Monster] Divinity, reducing damage.

Azathoth tried to use [Darkness], but they used their [Light] and [Sun] Divinities, and thry negated each other.

Azathoth tried to use his [Chaos] Divnity, but they used their own [Chaos] Divnity to counter his attack, reducing the damage they received.

Azathoth tried to use his [Corruption] Divinity, but they used their [Love] Divnity, which not only stopped Azathoth, but actively hurt him really bad.

Which led the Endless one to use their [Gentleness], [Love], [Family], and [Motherhood] Divnities to damage the evil god of madness- Azathoth screamed in pain as the energy filled his foul existence, and it had the interesting effect of purifying things, which hurt zathoth, causing him pain- Like a flame, burning Azathoth inside out.

Only then did Azathoth notice how the parts of his body that were devoured did not regenreate and he could no longer feel said parts, he started to worry about his survival- But he could not leave this place anymore, because as soonas he tried, a black cube apperaed before him, absorbed him inside, and he couldn't escape anymore.

Apperently, you can {Box} a Conceptual God...

-Scene End-


Enychta: Misery

Pruno: CPR

Luke: Reese's Puff

(Cause Eny's singing a song, Pruno comes singing CPR in a very suggestive way, and their kid's innocent ears are saved from hearing Pruno singing CPR by Luke singing Reese's Puff really loud while in the background Eny is just singing.)