Chapter 190: End?

Eating an Concept God was more than they thought would be- Instantly, they received three Divinities from Azathoth, due to the fact that they were three souls in one body.

Enychta Astérie received the Divinity of [Absolute Destruction]

Luke Castellan received the Divinity of [Absolute Creation]

And Pruno Begoni received the weird Divinity of [Rebirth], because somehow, after Azathoth was given 'brith' by the Endless One, and later killed, he developed the divinity of [rebirth], which went really well with Pruno's divinities.

With his new Divinity of [Destruction], Enychta received the [Absolute Destruction] skill, which could destroy anything and verything, without restriction- Be it thing, concept, or even some part of existence itself. After consuming the soul of Azathoth, Enychta could hear the echoes of thousands of billions of voices echoing inside his head as they all received the energy after defeating the Blind Fool God, which was so great that the three of them became, at the same time, Conceptual Gods.

The wave of energy expanded the insides of the {Box} skill- It broke and shattered as they elft the dimension through will alone, their power echoing as a song to the universe, to the multiverse, to the Omniverse to sing along as they breached out to the other Outer Gods, who felt their father, their creator die by the hands of the trio of Conceptual Gods that stood before them- Eating Shub-Niggurath, Enychta received the [Black Goat] Divinity, which was inferior to both his [Monster] and [Eldritch] Divinity.

Yog-Soggoth had gave him the Divinity of [Stars], which was inferior to his [Endless Night] Divinity.

Magnum Tenebrosum gave Enychta the Divinity of [Endless Darkness], to which Enychta thought was going to become his, but it turns out this Divninty is inferior to his [Chaos], and newly added [Destruction] Divinities! Magnum Innominandum was next, and it gave Enychta the [Endless Mist] DIvinity, which was also inferior to said divinities previously.

Ycnàgnnisssz gave Enychta the divinity of [Eyes]- Which were inferior to his [Eldritch] Divinity, but okay, why did this guy have the Divinity of Eyes!? He had only one giant eye, and that was some creepy shit right there.

Next in line, was Ngyr-Korath the living galaxy thing that brings fear for those who see it- Which was easily eaten by Enychta, who took over the [Void] Divinity, which was strange since Azathoth would've been the God of the Void, but Enychta soon ignored it when thousands of voices screamed at his head, his stomach was disolving them into pure energy for him, but that would take a while andthose voices scream really loudly inside his head!

He is tired.

He wants to sleep... More specifically, he wants to sleep alongside them, holding them, with them.

And so he did- He pulled them both to his arms, teleported to a safe dimension of darkness and gloom, and fell asleep.

It would take a while for him to wake up, but he will.

-Scene Cut-

While Enychta slept, time moved on- This Omniverse was free from the Outer Gods thanks to him, but now he had the price to pay, his price was to suffer from the voices that would drive someone mad, well, he was already mad, they were extremely annoying and made him very hungry for souls, which was the worse than his Sin of Gluttony.

He was hungry, and tired, which made him sleepy.

Pruno and Luke didn't know what else to do other than guard him, protect him as he always did. Luke focused his energy and created things, created earth, air, fire, water, created light, created darkness, created the gravity, the heat, created the sky- An endless plane that forever expanded in every snigle direction, and in the center of this plane stood a handsome man, floating above the dirt in a majestic figure.

They didn't know how long they've been here, because time stood still as the floating God of Time willed it not to move in his sleep, but due to the simple fact that the duo were very much part of his soul, they weren't affected by his divinity. They slept in the void, the only source of light was the glowing body of Luke Castellan, who couldn't stop shining as they laid on the air around them, this was their new home, or at least it would become their new home.

Energy swirled deep within their souls, seeping outwards intot the barren land- Soon, trees started to grow, grass spread over thousands and thousands of miles, Pruno's [Nature], [Life], [Plenty], and [Harvest] spread his authority to the land, his body trnasformed into his Divinie Form, the fiant Sakura Tree held tightly to Enychta's unconcious body as Pruno too went to sleep.

In the sky, standing away but near, Luke Castellan became the glowing golden sun, he also went to sleep- For not only was he tired from fighting, he also needed time to properly get used to being a Conceptual god and ebing Omnipresent- He was present in every single place, in the past, in the future, and even where he shouldn't exist, where light doesn't shine, he is there.

Pruno needed time to get used to being Omniscient, as they say, Mother knows best- Which is literal for pruno now that his [Wisdom] Divinity grew to be the source of his knowledge, bringing a lot of information for him to process, some of which he didn't want to know at all! Like, the fuck is Boku no Pico!?

And Enychta- He didn't know it yet, but he became Omnipotent, he could do pretty much anything he put his mind into, his power wwas unmatched within his Omniverse of Origin and now his own Divine Domain.

No one knew how much time was passing, since time nowhere was moving at all, but for the trio- BIllions of Eons passed, they kept sleeping, dreaming, loving each other.

Until Enychta opened his eyes, instantly, both Pruno and Luke also woke up- Their energies in sinchrony sang to the universe to announce the birth of the supreme rulers of this Omniverse.

The End?


This is only the beginning.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Oh dear, we still have specials, extras. 10 of them, to close the 200 chapters.

i hope