Chapter 191: [Extra Nº1]

What exactly happened after they became the supreme rulers of the Percy Jackson Omniverse- Or as it was named now, the Endless One's Multiverse- is what you are definetly curious about... Well, i'll tell you.

Timeline wise, the following events happened right after they woke up from chapter 190.

[Content Warning: +18 Description

Contains: Fisting, Power Bottoms, Tentacles, Tentacle Dick, Double Penetration, and Excessive Cum]

"Hm... So we have an endless plane of life and death to live in?' Enychta hummed, his arms holding tightly around Luke's naked body as Pruno slowly sat on his lap, raising his plump ass to continue riding him like a beast withot control, full on- warrior position, with Luke's legs being held by Eny (they were touching Luke's own chest, Pruno was on top of him) while Pruno made sure he was t=riding the thin but long dick properly. "I-i think so..." Not only was Luke's dick being abused, his little hole was also being abused by Eny's long and thick fingers, he was pushing them inside without a second thought at all.

"Fuck..." Pruno arched back as he felt his prostate being hit, he grinned as he continued to use Luke's body as a toyfor his own pleasure, pleasing Luke even more as their powerful Enychta Astérie used three fingers to scizor Luke's ass open before slowly pushing his hand deep inside the blond god, making said god squirm at being deeply fisted. But then the hand slowly changed into somthing bigger, slimier, and something that movd easily through his flesh (he's technically not made out flesh anymore) tunnel, bringing him pleasure.

They loved their humanoid forms due to the fact they could easily pleasure each other in it so easily- So hard, so strong, so fast... So heavy and brutal.

So rough.

"My sin-" Luke called Enychta, grolwing in desperation as he was being drivn into madness by the endless pleasure they were both making him experience. "My love." Pruno hummed in response, his devilish smirk growing as he oh so slowly and oh so painfully, spread himself on Luke's dick, not giving him a chance to even say something, instantly dropping down on the long member and raising himself to do so again. "You're driving me mad-" His voice was cut short by the tendril of flesh that came from Enychta's crotch- He had turned his large dick into a tentacle.

Said tentacle was filling Luke's mouth with cum at the slightlest touch, because Enyhcta wanted to feed the poor cutie that was thirsty for that yummy white liquid that tasted oh so good in his lips. "So adorable you are, my little slut." Of course Enychta had to grin and talk dirty to him. "I love the sound of your pretty voice choking on my cum- Will you choke on it for me, baby?" Luke of course did choke on it, after all, the extremely flexible dick pushed it down his throat- Well, it was physically impossible for Luke or Pruno to choke on Eny's dick at this point, they're just doing it to make him even more aroused.

And it worked perfectly.

Pulling his hips back, Enychta slammed his hips so fast on Luke's face that the blond one groaned in pleasure at having a large dick being punded deep in his throat as his own dick was being taken care of by a rather bold Pruno Begoni, who was riding it nd losing control over himself- Moaning louder and louder, drooling over his body, tiny specks of precum dripping from the pink head of his dick, wetting it further and further. Enychta of course took that as an invitation to grab Pruno's penis head and rub it as hard as he could- Instantly, his hand was covered in an excessive amount of white cum.

Enychta started to use Luke's throat, his hips pistoning deeper and deeper into his sloppy mouth, that drooled with saliva and cum, the blond god was no longer concious of his actions, he was br=eing driven mad by the overwhelming pleasure that they shared with each other that was deeply amplified by their [Love] Bond. Enychta stretched enough to be kissing Pruno's lips as he drilled in Luke's throat in a Doggy Blowjob, playing with Pruno's nipples with his teeth, and absolutely destroying them.

It would normally take a normal human between 30 and 180 seconds to pass out from the lack of oxygen, but thankfully they were Gods, they didn't need to breathe at all.

It took him the next few hourrs to completely break Luke's brain with pleasure, yhe God didn't even spoke anymore, only moaned and groaned like an animal whenever Enychta made him feel good. Even Pruno only reacted to touch, letting Enychta do whatever he wanted with him- And oh he did, he used them as his cum dumps for a long time! He took Pruno and pushed him to the dirt, pulling his arms to the back and fucking him into submission, which he easily gave. He easily held Pruno's arms with one of his hands while he pulled Luke's moaning mess of a self into a very hot and sloppy kiss, saliva and cum dripping from their intertwined lips as he ruthlessly destroyed Pruno's little ass.

It was fun for a long time, but Eny was getting satisfied with himself, no longer could they keep up with him as he used them- They absolutely adored being used by him.

They switched positions at the command of their beloved Enychta, who did not stop until he filled at least an ocean's worth of his seed.

It was a sight to seed.

Get it? Sight to see- I'll take my leave now.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

Next Extra is about their offspring, if you wanna know what happened, go read the Christmas Special, which is cannon.

I might already have an idea for a spinoff of this fic or maybe a continuation- Like, Son of Gluttony, Death, and the Sun or something, or maybe simply a fic with one of their kids as the protagonist and the title of it would be something among the lines of Son of [insert one of their divinities here]