Chapter 192: [Extra Nº2]

"Y̷̲̙̊̀o̷̙̒͘ù̶̗͑ń̷͍̮͒g̴̘̈ ̶̥͊́m̵̪̼̆͝ḁ̸͂n̵͚̫̎̊,̵̨̉̚͜ ̶͚͘p̵͙̝͆̂u̴̻͒̓t̵̮͔͝ t̷̠̯̓͒h̴̞͝e̶͕̬̊ ̷̨̏͘t̶̰͊͜h̴̟̍̔i̸͕̽͐n̷͙̜͗́ǵ̵̭̽ͅ ̷̈͜ḏ̴̛͐o̵͎̓͜͝w̸̞̎ṅ̶̰͚͗." A booming voice echoed from above.

"No!" A brave, smaller voice echoed through the sea of endless trees.

"A̷͉͙̽n̶͓̓̒ḋ̸̜ ̶̅ͅw̸̢̯͒h̴̪̏ͅy̶̡̹̅ ̷̡͝n̸̼̟̈͝o̷̟̅̊t̴̠̘̽̒?̴̫̩̐" The same booming voice asks, curiosity seeping into it's tone.

"Because i don't want to." The same voice that previously declared his bravery, now declares it again by denying his older sibling.

"You know you'll be punished, right?" A cute giggle echoes from above the canopy as a small girl with long red hair quips, smirking at her brother.

The small black haired kid gasped dramatically, letting go of the golden egg he was holding, before it could hit the ground though, a giant tendril of golden light caught the eegg- A creature of endless eyes, multiple wings spread out of everypart of its body, rings of white and eyes rotated around the terrifying form of the biblically accurate angel before the child. "Bruno Astérie, Angel Astérie, and Victoria Astérie..." A previously unseen girl hops down the tree where she was hiding on, just to stare at the giant black wolf that stood before them. "What are you three doing with the Golden Dragon's egg?" Enychta Astérie, father of two beautiful children and creator slash father of a biblically acurate angel.

"Dad, we weren't going to do anything we it-" Bruno tries to say something, obviously forgetting that his father can know when he is lying. "Once again Bruno... Only lie to me if you are positive, confident that i'll believe in your lie, or else it's a bad lie." Eny smiles fondly at his child, who sulks as he sighs and nods sadly, Victoria turns her green eyes to look at her father, saying: "Well, we wanted to eat it and see how it tasted." Angel, the massive creature of many eyes, wings and rings, nodded their giant humanoid head above their monstrous form. "Ẃ̴̫ẹ̶̚ ̸̲͆ẁ̸͕a̴̺͝n̵̩̏͌t̶͚̾̎ẹ̶͗͝d̵̥͛̋ ̸̰͝t̷͙͆̏ͅo̷̫̞͂ ̷̻̍̈́h̸̥̭̆͒a̷̮͐v̴̖͇͌̿e̶̦̣̓ ̵̭̣́ǎ̴͈ ̷̻̽̂ṫ̷̲̜͝ą̴̝͌s̸̬̙̓́ṫ̷̜̕e̷̙͕̚.̸͙̈̇.̸͙̙̈́͝.̸̜̓ ̴̫͊̒Š̵͐͜o̵̼̗̐̂r̸͓͠ṛ̵̺̂͘y̸̝͗͌." Angel whispered, but even their whispers were louder than a shout.

"It's okay." Enychta humms as he takes the golden egg from Angel's large tendrils of light. "I can cook this one for you- You should've asked if you wanted something to eat, y'know i never say no when any of you want to eat something." A quick smirk grew on little Bruno's face as Enychta's monstrous wolfman form shifted and turned, his back exposed to the two little ones. "Get up, we're not far away from home by now- We can still get there before your mother and father can get home from their little date~" Enychta chuckled as a gargantuan pair of demonic wings spread out of his back, he soon was flying to the center of this endless dimension, where a house stood upon.

Bruno Astérie Begoni, born from Enychta Astérie and Pruno Begoni, the boy looked like an average 10 years old boy, his short shock of a wild, spiky black hair was surprisingly clean for a boy who spends most of time running around the endless forest of their godly realm, playing fight with many monsters that would never kill the offspring of their God and creator- He was a very playful boy, mostly due ot his [Wolf] Divinity, when he was born his soul simply absorbed that divinity and took it as it's own. He also took the [Endless Darkness] Divinity, alongside the [Terror] Divinity, which were strange to him, since his personality was that of a puppy.

Enychta only saw his 'evil' Divninties act only once, when a dark aura erupted from him and covered a small portion of their endless realm- That was when Victoria was accidentaly hurt by a Giant Lindworm who profusely apologized and begged for its life, but Bruno had killed it and eaten it's remains before it could try to escape. HIs majestic Divine Form is that of a Giant Black wolf made out of a black cloud, whispers and screams echo from his howl. In wolf form his eyes are golden but in human form, his eyes are pink!

"Dad, can i go bask in the sun again, please!?" Victoria was a different girl- She was a red haired girl that's right, her divinites were [Serpents], [BEauty] and [Madness], she was one adorable girl whose beuaty would easily drive mortals mad in awe at her. She also loved to bask in the sunlight in her gigantic scarlet serpent form- Her navel blue eyes refelcted that she was indeed, Luke's offspring as well as Enychta's offspring. "You acn go hunny, but stay close, we'll have dinner soon." She happily smiled at him before she darted to the open area around the house as her bones snapped and broke, her form becoming serpentine.

Angel's birth wasn't exaclty a birth- They simply came to be.

You see, Enychta had a dream, and in that dream, he saw a sphere of light floating in the void, his first thought was to get the light out of the void and bring it to him, which he did, and then his brain formed the physical form that now Angel takes- The literal form of a biblically accurate angel- With endless eyes scattered across their body. And funny Enoguh, Angel's divinities are [Eyes], [Dreams], and [Stars]. Angel was "born" a few days before Bruno and Victoria, being the oldest sibling and being Enychta's firstborn and therefore, holding most authority when the parents are out. Angel was responsible and took great care of Bruno and Victoria, but they are easily convincable- Bruno or Victoria can easily get Angel's big sibling help on whatever shennanigan they want to do.

Which is adorable on Enychta's opinion.

Dinner was something quick, since Pruno and Luke were outside this dimension, they were having a moment for just the two of them, and Enychta hopes Pruno comes back pregnant at least. What? He discovered he likes children, and he literally wants to have so many of them that he can spread his offspring all over every single Omniverse- Ha, as if it would happen.

After a few hours playing with his children, Victoria went to sleep hanging from a few tree branches and Bruno sat down, Enychta surrounded his pup with his once again transformed body and kept an open eye as his puppy dozed off.

Angel went to fly through the endless sky of their dimension.

Of the Endless Dimension.

-Scene End-

Author Notes:

What Angel says:

Young Man, put the thing down.

And why not?

We wanted to have a taste, Sorry.

PS: I'll try to upload an image of Enychta's DILF and him lying together with his son- Those images do not belong to me, just saying.