Document no.3


Indiana, united states of America

Years after the incident of December twenty-one, 1705, A man called Demetri Genova, the well-known Blight researcher and scientist is interviewed about his discoveries on possible medications that could save those possums contaminated with the virus, Sporothrix Schenckii:

Reporter Mr.Johnson: "Mr.Genova, you seem to have quite a wide knowledge when it comes to the virus in possums. May I presume to ask, what is your need to find a medication for such barbarous creatures?"

Demetri Genova: "I believe that such creatures have a greater need to be cured than those suffering from cancer. I do not mean to offend you, Mr.Johnson, but have you ever thought about what such creatures could do to the human race as we know it? Just think about it. Cancer as we know it, may for all we know, can be solved. But, for now, the Blight disease in possums may never be solved."

Reporter Mr.Johnson: " Mr.Genova, you may be one of the most educated and genius scientists of the 20th century. Why have you not stopped to reconsider that cancer is a disease found in humans, and "Blight disease" is just a disease in mere possums?"

Demetri Genova: " Mere possums you say. Mr.Johnson, have you ever heard the story of the old gardener in ancient Greece?"

Reporter Mr.Johnson: "That is just a fable! Are you really basing off your studies off some fairytale?"

Demetri Genova: " A fairytale it is not."

Shortly after, Mr.Genova stops the interview and says, " What if the Blight disease was found in humans? It could wipe out the entire population." And, with a sly smile, he disappears, never to be seen in the research center again.