Document no.4

Dear Mr.Johnson,

Though Demetri Genova was never to be seen again, it didn't seem to be for the possums. Shortly after Genova- being the CEO of the Blight research company- left, the company was in ruins, with thousands of scientists and chemists left jobless, because of the crazy interview Genova had with Mr.Johnson. After all, Johnson made sure that every one of the workers at Genova's good for nothing company was to be punished, meaning that they could no longer find work. Thus, everyone took the blame to Genova, who, along with the possums, where banished from history.

They say that the state of Indiana is cursed- not because of its peculiar weather- because of the Genova corporation company, (or the G.C.C) but some say it is blessed. Blessed to be the center of the abandoned building, which- If not for Johnson- would have been visited by millions around America.

Now, being it the present day, many prove that Genova was as crazy as he is bizarre. For one thing, the man always wore a long black coat-that seemed way out of style as it is the 21st century- with a black magician hat. Also, he spoke several languages- French Italian, Chinese, and of course, English- making people worldwide keep in touch with him. He was also a very reserved man being as young as he was-he started the company when he was eighteen- and very mature for his age. There is not much known about where he came from, and rather, how he came to Indiana specifically.

But, one thing's for sure, and that's he had a daughter.

At the company, he would often tell co-workers and office mates that he had to leave at 3:25 pm, specifically. And that, he would do, every afternoon and would be back the next day at 8:45 am. Though many would ask him why and what he needed to leave and come at those specific times for, he would simply dodge the subject of question and leave them hanging in wonder, but awed.

One day, Genova came to the company with a special guest, his wife Natasha and their soon to be baby girl- still unborn- and are introduced as the reason why he left each day at 3:25 and came to work at 8:45.

In awe, those who worked at the company were overcome with joy and happiness for Genova and appreciated what a kind and loyal young man he was.

On the day that Genova left, there was a rather sudden and slow creak coming from the storage closet. When one of the nurses opens it, she is later brutally killed.

On the day of the nurse's death, the police were unsure of why and how she was killed. That's until they uncovered a hidden camera inside the closet. The person, or rather the beast who killed her was none other than a cannibal man contaminated with a disease.

Later that night, detectives found a rather small and elderly man of eighty in a graveyard. He was, in the beginning- thought to be the murderer-but he couldn't have been that forty-year-old man, right?

At the graveyard, he was burying a couple of bones and a skull. Thinking that the man was just crazy enough to bury ancient artifacts of already dead corpses, they left him be. That's until one of the Detectives- Detective Alec Lopez- took a glimpse at the elderly man: and saw that he was eating meat. But, what meat exactly? The meat of the dead corpse's body.

Shortly after, the three of the four detectives are found dead the next day, but, for reasons hard to explain, the man did not eat them. Why exactly did he eat that corpse instead of the three men remains unknown.

The fourth detective, Detective Alec Lopez, manages to run away, only to be brutally murdered by a lady with a disease.

There are many conclusions and predictions as to what just happened.

Some say that the men hallucinated and died not because of the man, but because they saw the ghost of Ivanov from the fables. Some say that the lady was the murderer of the four men, and the man in the graveyard-though he was a cannibal- did not have anything to do with it.

But, here's my hypothesis: The man in the graveyard is the same man that killed the nurse at the company. And that man- for reasons hard to tell- is Rei Ivanov.

I believe that Rei perhaps found a way to make himself live for hundreds of years because of the blood of the possums. That perhaps, Rei is Demetri and Demetri is not DEAD.

Call me crazy, call me insane, but I prove to be true.
