More Than A Friend

Zaro Aventine? Iria Alewine raised a brow when her best friend was mentioned.

"What's with the Crown Prince?" she asked Rion.

Shaking his head, Rion sighed. "You are quite good at spotting Jolene's feelings but... you always amaze me, Commander. Have you ever thought of this? That His Highness might also look at you as more than a friend."

"You're talking nonsense," Commander Iria brushed Rion off. "His Highness is a family to me."

"I know you feel that way," Rion said. "But the Crown Prince might not think the same."

Noticing his Commander's dumbfounded face, he added, "Think about it, Commander. Though His Highness is the future King of our Jerivia with only the King above him, he never stops taking care of you. He always looks out for you and he always takes your side before the officials. He never -"

"That's what friends do for each other," Iria argued, still standing firm on her ground.