Too Much Of A Surprise

Iria Alewine never once thought that she would hear such words from her best friend. Crown Prince Zaro was a family to her, the most important person in her life.

Her childhood which was supposed to be very lonely was filled with warm memories, all thanks to him. When she struggled to cope with her father's strict training, he was there encouraging her. When her father died, he was the one who helped her cope with it. If not, she wasn't sure if she would be able to go through that.

If the past twenty years of her life should be written as a story, he was the only one who will appear in every chapter. That's how much she meant to him and now... he said that she wasn't just a friend to him.

There was more.

"Iria, will you please say something?"

The Commander was finally back to reality when she heard the Crown Prince's voice. She slowly shifted her gaze to him and noticed his expression, somewhat anxious. Maybe her silence was killing him.