Plans for His Future

The Emperor of this empire, Louis von Sol, was one of the reasons Nokto was able to overcome his darkest days and become the Duke of Libertas Dukedom.

Louis aided Nokto because Louis was a close friend of Julia Valerie, Nokto's mother.

in the original novel, the Duke died in an unfortunate accident when Nokto turned 17 years old, and it was at this time that Louis discovered that Nokto is the son of Julia after the duke's death.

After knowing Nokto is Julia's son, he began to support Nokto and restricted the Duchess' movements to harass Nokto.

He gave Nokto a proper education, and miraculously, due to his intelligence, Nokto was able to follow through on everything without fail, and he was able to have a magnificent debutante when he was 18 years old.

However, since I was transmigrated as Bell, I'm going to change the original storyline.

I don't want Nokto to suffer any longer, so I'll do everything I can to convince the Emperor that Nokto is Julia's son while I still have the chance.

(The faster, the better.)

I have plans up my sleeve if everything will go accordingly to the original story.

(Things will have to go well, and I know better than anyone that this will work out, even if it means risking my life.)

(Though Louis never once suspected the Duke to be acquainted with Julia, few words from me about the them is enough to make Louis investigate everything.)

I nodded to myself after I planned everything that will lessen Nokto's pain and to end his suffering once and for all.


"What's this...?"

Nokto questioned, looking at the few books I bought from the town with a curious gaze.

"It's books, young master!"

I answered him cheerfully but veins appeared on his forehead as he snapped his head at me.

"I know that! I was asking what's the reason you brought this to me?!"

I pouted at his words and averted my gaze in a playful manner.

"Didn't young master asked what's 'that' though? Of course it's books, what else~"

"Alright, alright! Stop with this. Why did you bring me these books?"

He pointed at the books infront of him questioningly and I turned back my gaze toward him, my lips forming a wide smile.

"Of course it's for young master to learn! Don't worry about whether Duchess will found this or not, because I made sure to hide it safely! I'm good at hiding things."

I flashed him a confident wink and a thumbs up. But all I received in return was a skeptical and doubtful gaze from him.

"... You're really weird. Why would you assume I need this in the first place?"

"Well, young master likes fairy tale books even though you said it's absurd. So I guess some non-absurd educational books will enlighten young master's spirit!"

He looked at me with big eyes full of question and suspicion, but I kept smiling at him until he gave up and started reading.

As I had predicted, sigh escaped from his lips, and he began to pick up one of the books that was scattered on the table.

(Oh, he takes the politics one!)

(They recommended that book to me. Even though it's not the same high quality the nobles used, but I guess it could help Nokto even a little.)

I observed him closely and noticed how his ears turned red the longer I stared at him.

"Hey, don't keep looking at me and do your work."

"Awee, but young master is really cute~ I enjoy the view. Don't worry about my work young master, I'll take care of it after admiring your face."

I answered sheepishly with a playful smile which caught him off guard and blush appeared on his cheeks.

"S-stop saying nonsense! Just go back to your work!"

After saying that sentence with such bashfulness, he averted his gaze away from me but I could still see his red ears that is not completely hidden .

(Oh, geez, he's still a kid at heart.)

(For some reason, that makes me happy.)

In this type of situation, those warm feelings I get while I read [Blessings of Glory] resurfaced.

He still tries his hardest to be kind around me and appreciate me, despite the fact that it's still difficult for him to speak honestly.

(He's really... the Nokto I know.)

"By the way..."

Nokto spoke up, starting another conversation but he wasn't facing me. Nonetheless I smiled in response.

"Yes young master?"

"T-thanks.. for the books."

For a little while, the words were trapped in my throat before I could properly respond to him.

"... Your welcome, young master."

That's just the beginning of me giving books to him. I went out the next day and bought him new books in a variety of genres.

Some of it was for entertainment, while others were for him to learn and study.

I have a decent amount of money since I rarely spend it. Thanks to that, I can buy books for him to learn and food ingredients so he can eat properly.

"This is something you made?"

Nokto looked down at the breakfast that had been brought to him. It was a freshly made pancake that I put a lot of care into.

Even though I spent a lot of money on the ingredients, I don't regret it even for a bit.

"Yes young master! Although I could only prepare this, please enjoy it."

"... This is called 'pancake', right? I read it in one of the books you bought for me. The description fits perfectly."

(As expected of the male lead! He's able to tell from the description alone!)

"Yes. It's a special pancake that I made specially for young master."

I responded joyfully, but his eyes narrowed and I could tell that he's not quite pleased about this situation.

(Don't tell me he doesn't like it? But wait— he never taste it before.)

"Perhaps, the pancake is different to Young Master's expectations?"

His head snapped at me, eyes widening.

"T-that's not it! I'm just thinking that you spend a lot your savings for this, right?! And the books too!"

Since I've used my money to buy him goods, his eyes were filled with concern, and I assumed he felt bad about it.

"Young master, just like I said—"

I looked at him reassuringly and smiled gently.

"—Don't worry. I did this because I care for you, young master."

He stayed silent at my calm, sincere response and clenched his hands into fists.

"Why do you care so much about me?"

(That's because you're my hero.)

"Isn't that obvious? That's because I'm young master's maid!"

Nokto bit his bottom lip and drew his eyss away from me, his gaze distant.

"You always said that."

"Ha ha ha, I guess I'm not really creative for responses."

"... That's not what I'm implying."

My smile deepened and I nodded my head in understatement.

"I know."

"By the way...!"

He turned his gaze back on me, locking his violet eyes with mine.

"How old are you?"

(All of a sudden...?!)

I cleared my throat and a mischievous smile rose up to my lips.

"I'm 17 years old. Exactly one year older than Young Master."

I answered with a grin while pointing at myself and his eyes widened slightly.

"... It's just one year. And I thought you're younger than me."

"Oh my, do I look younger in your eyes?!"

My eyes sparkled in anticipation as I continued to look at him but a frown appeared on his face.

"Yes. Just look at that childish attitude."

He raised his hand and pointed it at me with a raised brow. I chuckled in response to his words.

"Geez young master, please stop teasing me."

"I'm not teasing you."

"But why did young master ask so suddenly?"

I tilted my head to the side, my eyes filled with curiosity.

"Nothing. Just get back to your work, I want to eat in peace."

(But I'm curious why he's asking though!)

Trying to keep my curiosity buried deep inside, I nodded my head and bowed before obediently leaving his room.

I could say that my relationship with Nokto has progressed greatly compared to the first day I started.

He's no longer looking at me with hostility, and he's kind in his own way. He's definitely a tsundere, which I admire because it means I can understand when he's being nice.

Unconsciously, a warm smile appeared on my lips.

Despite the fact that I was still harassed by my coworkers, I don't mind considering my relationship with Nokto has improved.

It's as if my difficulties were there to encourage me to keep going and stay focused on my objective of making Nokto happy.

(Transmigrating in my favorite novel is probably the best thing that's ever happened in my life.)

(And in exchange for that, I will surely lessen Nokto's pain and help him when he's in trouble.)

I made a promise to myself that, after I manage to make him gain the support of the Emperor, I will disappear from his life.