Chapter 26: Play it Cool

Atlas’s POV

Brett picks Sabrina and me up at six to head to the party. The company is in Manhattan, so it’s not a long drive but it does give Sabrina and me a chance to come up with a game plan before we get there. We don’t want to appear suspicious to anyone.

Sabrina looks stunning in the dress she picked out. The way the fabric clings to her body is intoxicating. I want to sit and stare at her all night, but I know I can’t. I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about our kiss last week. I want to know what she’s thinking and what it meant to her. But I feel like the moment has passed.

“So, what’s the plan?” I ask, sipping on the wine Brett keeps back here.

“I haven’t thought that far ahead,” Sabrina admits, looking out the window, “We need some type of distraction so you can slip away and look for some evidence.”

“Why me? I’m sure you could do a better job snooping around,” I mutter.