Chapter 27: The Distraction

Sabrina’s POV

The crowd forming around me is concerned for the man who introduced himself to me as Connor. He’s swearing under his breath and trying desperately to clean the dark liquid out of his expensive suit. I have no idea who he is but when Atlas said the code word, I knew he was the perfect person to use as a distraction.

The plan is working perfectly.

“Why’d you do that?” Connor demands, his eyes angry as he stares back at me.

I clutch at my chest, pretending to be dramatic and apologetic about the situation, “It was an accident, I swear! I’m so clumsy, especially around coffee. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Connor angrily shakes his head, “You’ve done enough. This isn’t what I was expecting when I came over to talk to you.”

I frown at his comment, “What were you expecting?”