
Chapter 27: Mac

“I don’t feel like going back to the school tonight. Let’s crash at Edge’s house and go back in the morning.”

Cutter made a face that indicated he didn’t love that plan, but he didn’t argue. Edge’s father had a mansion built into the mountains not too far away from the exclusive ski town where our school was located. Both Cutter and I had spent plenty of time in the modern, yet rustic monstrosity, but I doubted he’d been there since his falling out with his former best friend.

He reluctantly let me drag him to an all-night diner after the party broke up. I wasn’t ready to go back to my dorm. I wasn’t prepared to wrap my head around whatever the hell was going on between me and the Rockstar, and me and the Allstar. Unfortunately, Cutter was far more observant than his other half had ever been.