
Chapter 28: Mac

Cutter was quiet for a long time. He simply stared at me as the table between us was cleared and the bill was dropped off.

When he spoke, his deep voice was lower than normal, and I could hear the pain in each and every word. “What about you? You liked Edge, too. How does it not bother you at all to see him with Bash? How can you be so unaffected by how happy he is, how different he acts with Bash?”

I leaned forward even more until my chin was resting on the back of my hand. I blinked at Cutter and told him honestly, “Edge is like a classic painting or a luxury car. You don’t get to see the Mona Lisa every single day, and most don’t drive their very expensive sports cars to go and get groceries. You enjoy them for a short time and revel in the thrill of the brief experience. I still like Edge a lot, but I knew from the moment I met him, he wasn’t someone I could keep.”