The forbidden pandora - 1

"So, your real body was in this world as well. Were you just not aware or did you not want to tell me?" En asks a question out of the blue and Mark jumps up in sudden fright. She had forgotten that the other had even been there.

"I didn't even know myself until today. It was a surprise when I woke up to find Rao at the corner of my vision. I am still trying to adjust to this arrangement." And make sense of it all. It still did not feel real and the feeling of wrong was still there, strong as ever. En hummed in reply. Mark was not sure if En believed him or not.

"Let's go home now. Will get more chances to talk about all this later." Mark agreed and bid the other side farewell. Now it was him and Rao again. Mark had a feeling that the other side did not like him being with Rao, but they did nothing to stop him from going back with Rao.