The forbidden pandora - 2

Mark had to assume that the other party was telling the truth now. There was too much evidence in favour of Rao's speaking for it to not be true. So this was who Mark had been before he had gone into the game. He just hoped that the room would provide him with much more information than the world had.

"Let us meet in time for breakfast. Also, make sure you lock your room and stay vigilant when you are in this house because there are a lot of backstabbers here" Mark understood the tense feeling he was getting at the breakfast table because he had felt eyes on his back and they had not been the friendly kind either

. He nodded back to the other to show his gratitude before he closed his door and bolted the door shut. Achieve it to the curtains back to look at the view outside before he sensed danger and close the one again. He could officially say that he did not like this house.