Chapter 11: NATALIA

The reason it was so hard to shake is because in all the time we've owned the land nothing like this has ever happened. The dark ones aren't known to venture this far north and especially not to the sleepy little town where there isn't much to do to keep their need for constant excitement satisfied.

The constant back and forth of my thoughts was making me out of sorts and lethargic all evening until I was making myself and everyone else crazy. "It's Friday night, why don't we go into town for a bite to eat?" Annalise came into my room already dressed which means I'm not going to be able to talk my way out of this one.

"Come to think of it a burger from Smileys sounds really nice right about now." I showed real signs of life for the first time all day as I jumped up from the bed to get dressed in jeans and a light summer sweater. Spring was being its usual fractious self, one day cool and the other warm.