Chapter 12: LUCIEN

Her fae ass can run the streets all day while I have to stay away from the human population, something I'm going to put an end to first thing. Contrary to popular belief the sun won't burn us to a crisp, but just as with humans of a lighter shade of pale, our lack of melanin makes the shit uncomfortable as fuck.

When we get overheated and our skin starts feeling like shit, our tempers are known to flare. If that shit gets out of hand we can morph into our true form, in my case a dragon and that's all I need for the asshole human brigade to go up in arms and start their pitchfork fuckery.

Since we'd been killing them out in droves back in the day, the meddling fucks that are our elders had decided that it was best if we avoided the sun altogether, which suits me just fine since I can rest all day and play all night, which for a freak like me is just about damn near perfect.