Chapter 104: TODD

"Can I go see her?" I didn't even let him get behind his desk good before I asked.

"Yeah, and try to keep her little ass quiet."

"I'll do my best but she was raised to be a strong willed individual; not sure how well I'm gonna do." I grinned as I headed for the door.

"Touché kid, touché!"

I lost the smile halfway to her bedroom and found it again as soon as I reached the door. "Hey, you feeling better?"

"She looked up at me from the bed where she was sitting. "Wanna go for a drive with me later?" She nodded her head just as her mother called for her to come downstairs.

"Don't forget what I told you, three months tops and that's pushing it kinda close." I kissed her cheek and squeezed her hand before walking away and she had no idea that I was still pissed at her.