Chapter 103: TODD

"What's wrong with you?" I'd just picked her up and we were waiting for her siblings to walk out the school door since she wanted them to ride home with us. The look on her face was entirely different from the one she wore when I dropped her off this morning. Gone was the light of excitement to be replaced with a look of worry and almost fear.

I'd shown up a little early because I knew it was the last day for seniors and I know how things can get on that day with assholes acting out. Brian was still in the hospital hooked up to shit so I knew it couldn't be him that had put that look on her face. "Somebody bothered you?"

"No, I'm just thinking about something, nothing to worry about. I'll be fine."


"What are you and daddy and the uncles doing in his office all day? Are you trying to find the girl that was taken?"

"How do you? ... I don't want you involved in this leave it alone."

"Do you know about those people that are after me?"