training (part 2)

Next day faes woke up by the alarm the system set up for her and got ready for the day. Just like yesterday aiden made the breakfast before they both went to the training room.

When faes entered the training room she was surprised as it wasn't like yesterday. It looked more like Olympics field for various competitions. There were targets and tracks and also a ground in the middle which was empty. faes stared at it then at aiden who puffed his chest proud in himself.

"what are we doing today?" faes asked chukling to herself as she noticed aiden seemed proud of himself but looked cute to her.

"first we are doing our routine like last time but a little more then we will begin working on your magic." Aiden answered. Nodding faes took off. After running and doing all the exercises she felt slightly tired but refreshed too which was just a great feeling.

"now lets begin with basic magic focus on your magi particles or ki and try to summon a fire ball" aiden said as he showed her a fireball in his hand. faes focused on the magi points and mainly on red ones which must represent fire and then tried to imagine a fireball forming in her hand. When faes lifted her hand she smiled at the red ball in it which was slightly smaller than aidens but for her first time it was worth it. faes noticed that it also didn't took much mp which was good as she wont get tired soon.

"great now try to aim it at the target" aiden said smiling, he knew that faeswould be able to make a fireball as she seem to be containing many surprises. faes turned to the target and took aim throwing the ball by slightly moving her hand and thinking of it charging at the target. The ball shot out like a bullet and much to aidens surprise hit at dead centre. faes jumped happily clapping

"bullseye" she shouted grinning happy that it was her furst try even with the aiming skill it was not supposed to be perfect as only practice makes one perfect.

"well that was great could you happen to have aiming skill or swordsmanship too?" aiden asked making faes turn red as she slowly nodded caught red handed in keeping a secret.

"I thought so now lets continue with other magic try water" aiden said

faes did the same thing and again it was bullseye. Air and earth were no different.

"now try to summon arrows or spikes of different magic at the same time" aiden instructed and faes did as he said. Focusing on both fire and air she formed a fireball and then made a small whirpool of air which ate the fire and changed into a fire tornado.

"interesting lets see what this do to our target" aiden said narrowing his eyes as faes released the fire tornado towards the target which was now of size of two feet. As it connected with the target it pulled it in growing in size and then continuing forward with a small blast. It went all the way till the wall and then vanished. There was a trail left behind showing its path which made faes grin.

'It will be good when fighting many opponents at once they would get a hard time dealing with that one tornado and just imagine what it might do when i become stronger.'

"great now you said something about lightening magic too I guess" aiden said raising an eyebrow at her now curious to know what else can she show him.

"yes" faes replied as she had indeed told him about her having lightening magic

"what are we waiting for then go on" he said

faes took a deep breath and focused on lightening this time not bothering to form a ball but an arrow like in the comics in which the god zeus used lightening. she opened her eyes and then aimed the arrow at one of the remaining targets and when it connected it gave of a small blast enough to destroy the target. faes was exhausted no less as this one took more mp than normal.

"we will stop for today lets go and eat" aiden said noticing her exhaustion and made her sigh in relief . she was really tired today but then just as she was about to sit faes heard a notification going off

[exp gained]

[level up]

It made her feel refreshed as if her energy is back and also more than before. Aiden eyed her from the side and faes just shrugged not wanting to worry him about her leveling up again, it was really unexpected

Luckily he didn't minded it and began preparing lunch while faes prepared the table and cleaned the house or cave

"we should begin your other studies too" aiden suggested as he placed the foods on table. He saw faes as she began eating just as the plate touch the table and chuckled in amusement. She was indeed cute one.

Faes was tired and was way to famished so she put aiden's suggestion aside and focused on eating. After she had a little and felt better she began thinking. 'I have to get stronger and fast so I have to work hard!' deciding that she looked at aiden who was eating while chuckling slightly.

"once I clean up we can continue the training" faes said to which aiden nodded

"I will teach you advanced lore language, ancient dragon language, history, geography, war strategies, politics, economics and little of pharmaceutical and blacksmithing but first we will begin with languages and politics and economics as you are royal they will come in handy in the court" aiden said and faes nodded accepting what he said but she also believed that pharmaceutical and blacksmithing were more important than politics.

'I am not going to tell that to aiden as he is older and more experienced in all this' she thought and finished eating.

After a quick cleanup aiden began teaching her and also surprised her by telling that they had been talking in common lore language.

'it was because of the previous owner that she was able to recognize the language and speak it otherwise it would have been hell lot tiresome to learn a language from scratch.' Faes was glad that she knew the basic of lore language which was a lot like English.

Ancient dragon language was difficult but faes was a quick learner thanks to her skills. She was also not much interested in politics and economics but knew that they might come in handy so she kept quiet and learned it all.

A few days passed and aiden finally decided to teach her swordsmanship and shooting with bows. Faes was excited that it made her jump around slightly.

In these days she had exercised both her body and magic and also learned the theories that aiden taught her. It resulted in her leveling up to level 12 soul refining stage 2.

Aiden told her that the levels have different methods to pass as in body refining and body strengthening one focuses on the body and in soul refining and strengthening one focuses on soul. Faes found out that her body strengthening and refining was mostly done by the exercise and magic and qi but she have to be a strong willed person to strengthen her soul. Faes found out that training and refining a soul was more of mental than physical and quite easy if one know what they are doing which caused her to be happy.

She just have to meditate and keep focusing on how she wanted her soul to be. If she wanted to become good then she have to remove all negative thoughts from her mind and vice versa. As faes didn't wanted to be either good or bad like most people she focused on what was important or what wasn't these made her neutral and also a lot easier to level up as she wasn't trying to be a saint or devil.

Aiden also increased her physical activities and made her wear weights on her arms and legs while doing exercises and using magic. Her magic also level up and now she can use lightening few times without exhausting herself. She was sticking to basic magic first and was determined to master them as she always believed that with strong basics a person can solve hard problems easily.

Aiden also was proud at her as faes knew what she wanted and what to do without telling her much. He was also shocked at her fast leveling up and had warned her that it wasn't a good thing as she not only have to be in a higher level but also match that level in experience and have to always stay a step ahead of her cultivation so that she can fight higher cultivation beings. Faes had taken his advice seriously and focused on her training which satisfied him that she will be safe but not much.

So here they were in the training room which was now like an arena holding wooden swords. Aiden knew that faes had swordsmanship skill but that does not mean that she knew how to use a sword. It just meant that if she learns how to use a sword she will have better posture and idea of what and how to do. Aiden was not wrong as faes was thinking the same thing. She had checked the skill and knew that if she learns to use a sword she will be better at it but not master it completely.

"follow my movements and focus on the posture and muscles and stances." Aiden told faes as he began to show her how to use the sword. Faes did as he asked and noted his posture and stances and focus points. When he was done with basic defensive moves he told her to try them.

As faes moved she felt something wrong and frowned. Faes was able to copy aiden but was way too slow and her muscled were protesting at the movement. Aiden noticed this and tried to help her

"think of it as a dance and the magic and qi flowing in your body as music try to move in sync with them" he said. While faes thought 'easier said than done' she was not sure what to make of his sentence as she was not much fan of music and dance instead she liked painting. Shaking those thoughts out of her mind she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Focusing on the energies inside her moving in her veins and muscles, slowly she noticed that her sword became lighter in her arms so she moved copying aiden. She was able to move more freely and perform better. Aiden was happy with her slight progress yet she had a long way ahead. With that thought he corrected her posture and taught her offensive moves too.

By the time she was done with the moves and corrected postures faes was panting and was covered in sweat but she felt light and even if her muscles ache slightly it felt good!

Aiden was once again amazed at her learning speed but she still had a long way to go and even if she learned everything in one day he wasn't going to rush.

"I want you to practice them again and again for more days so that you can master the basic moves and also get the hang of using magic at the same time. Get some rest before we continue training this time you will use magic along with the sword" aiden said as faes sat down to catch her breath and drink some water.

"if I didn't knew that this training was for good I would have thought you were a monster!" faes told aiden who just laughed. They have gotten quite used to each other and also teased other one whenever they can.

"if you ever call me monster then you are one too as you are not exhausted even after the training" aiden teased back at which both of them laughed.

After resting for a bit the training continued as aiden taught faes how to use magic to defend while fighting with a sword. 'its better to say she was tired way to early after this' using both magic and sword was really difficult but necessary.

When they were done for the day it was almost dinner time so faes helped aiden even when she was tired as hell because she wanted food asap! 'food is heaven!' she thought.

As they sat to eat aiden began telling faes what she was doing wrong and how to correct them.

"from tomorrow you are going to wear weights whole day and whole training so that you can move better while fighting and it will also improve your posture." Aiden told her and she almost choked on her food that she was stuffing in her mouth. Wearing those weights that weigh almost fifty kilograms and also while holding a sword and doing magic was clearly hellish training. 'is he trying to kill me by exhaustion?' faes thought eyeing aiden who was smirking in amusement at her.

"you really are a monster!" faes exclaimed as she realized that he was serious. Aiden just laughed at her

"you are learning fast which is both good and bad but to keep up with the cultivation its better if you push yourself past your limit and if you were training in any military or guard base you would find that you are almost on a squire's level but they will easily beat you up if you don't have enough training and practice. Its for your own good" aiden dismissed her just like always and faes can only sigh. He was right as always!

"fine" she said and continued eating.