world of lore

After eating they continued with their languages and other subjects.

Currently aiden was teaching her how to manipulate ministers in our favor and to find true solution of real problems and somehow faes was interested in it.

"you have to always focus on the topic discussed the solution always stays in the problem itself and you can also know if someone is trying to scam you with fake knowledge." Aiden told her. She knew that politicians try to win royals favor and use them to get what they wanted but why would they do it didn't sit well with her.

"why would they do it as they had everything already. They have money fame and power so why?" she asked

Aiden sighed "once someone gets slight power they might become power hungry or money hungry for all I can say. They like to show off their wealth and status to get more power and get kick in showing off for all I know" he said and faes caught slight sadness in his tone.

She understand that he was once a king so he must have seen these things first hand but it was still not sitting well with her.

"if I can I would kick their arses!" faes said determined that lifted aidens mood and made him chuckle

"oh yes in future you can but first you have to get stronger!" he said between laugh. When they calmed down aiden continued

"well if you want to kick their arses you have to find a loophole in their theories and a strong point to show it so that they cant refute to it neither success in their plan" aiden told her. He taught her how to know catch the faults and how to point them out without hurting anyones feelings.

Faes was really interested in it even when she had no interest in politics.

"you can also scheme them in their own plan. You can change a few things and even steal money from them" aiden chuckled at a memory as he said this

"you have done it I guess?" faes teased

"oh yes a lot it was fun and worth looking at the nobles faces when they realized that their accounts have less zeros!" he said chuckling. He was clearly a very enthusiastic king. Faes also found out that aiden played pranks on various people in the kingdom both common and nobles which kept everyone entertained. 'I just hope I don't get caught in those pranks someday even if it is fun' faes thought after hearing how aiden once went to the commoners market and made a merchant panic when he brought everything without paying and was chased till the castle where his brother paid for all the things. 'poor merchant would have been very angry and panicked when he realized that aiden was the king, I wonder what was he thinking at that time' faes thought chuckling. 'even his brother would have been angry at aiden for being a careless king'

As their lesson continued faes finally became exhausted and they retired for the day.

For few days aiden made her do way to devilish traing according to faes. She had to wear those weights even while resting! While exercising she had to use magic too and not to mention he began attacking her while she trained! It was too exhausting for her to keep up even with little effort aiden was paying to her. But it paid well and she began to get much better at the basics and using magic. She can now use both magic and sword for five hours without exhausting herself out completely. She felt it was good.

Faes even leveled up to level 16 soul strengthening stage 1 after the meditation she did before sleeping and after waking up. Aiden told her that at sun rise and sun down the energies were more abundant in nature but she didn't have time to meditate at those time as she woke up before sunrise and got free way past sunset.

"so lets try the shooting today I see you can handle the sword quite nicely now" aiden told faes as they stood in front of many different targets.

This made faes excited both due to the praise and to learn new thing. Aiden barely praised her!

Aiden showed her how to hold the bow and draw the string adjusting the force for different distance of targets and then taught her how to aim.

"remember the arrows will be afftected due to gravity air and other things so you have to focus and take all these things in account before firing" aiden taught her as faes was shooting arrows

It was good to say she had an accuracy skill so her target mostly hit its mark as they practiced with wooden arrows.

"tsk! You have to focus more hmm I will increase the weights and change a few exercises that will help before we continue this" aiden thought aloud faes eyes widen. 'again?' she thought as aiden had increased the weights to 75 kg a few days ago. She felt like crying but held her tongue not to hurt aiden but she knew he wont listen even if she pled with him. 'he gets fun torturing me like this' she thought.

Aiden made her wear 100 kg weights and run laps on the track while she shot magic arrows at the targets both on ground and in air. They hit the targets but not the centre. And when she wasn't running she was holding ten kg water buckets standing in a place while trying to defend against aidens attacks with her magic. They had been focusing on elemental magic and lightening for now to let her master them before getting on other magics.

It took her few more days to get used to the new weights and also to get better posture while holding a bow.

"now lets try something new try to hit these" aiden said smiling as he sent some wooden disc flying. Faes followed them and shot the arrows hitting them all. They had been practicing with stationary targets which faes was good at now but still a long way behind. She can only shoot two arrows in ten seconds while aiden can shoot ten or more. She once tried to shoot two arrows together but had failed so she stuck on one until the skill upgrade or she masters an arrow per second.

"hmm good continue this routine with magic arrows now" aiden said. Faes summoned magic arrows and shot them. They didn't hurt her as she summoned them so she can even hold them!

They even set a routine as to wake up exercise meditate eat breakfast then practice swordsmanship till lunch then with bow till dinner then the theory before meditating again and going to bed. Aiden even began teaching her about the world geography and history.

Faes realized that this world was same size as earth and was called lore but it had different structure than earth.

There were three continents and many islands. They were currently on central continent which had dragon kingdom in the centre surrounded by logi kingdom in north nadar in north east devil kingdom in south east elfrida kingdom in south west and fae kingdom in north west.

Her country altai was on north eastern continent named as Eurasia and was biggest and strongest on that continent. Eurasia continent was divided in four kingdoms crescent kingdom in north west loteria kingdom in north east altai in south west and acrycol in south east.

Then there is azoic continent on north west with onely two kingdoms the beast kingdom in north and emrald kingdom in south. There were many islands in the whole world but the largest one was in west of central continent and is called calvary and second largest is alps in east of central continent. The climate on this world was also set with not much change in weathers. It means that if there is summer in a place then it will always be summer there and no winter until some changes occurs.

Aiden also taught her about the landscape of the world as dragon kingdom was mostly light forest and hills and dessert area elfrida was full of dense forest and greens while fae kingdom was a mix as all kind of creature live there.

Devil kingdom had barren lands dense dark forest and also underground civilization. Altai faes home was light forest with many villages cities and highways also full of wildlife. 'just like earth!' faes thought nadar was mainly forest a single city and a few villages and beast kingdom was forest a capital and many small villages. He didn't told her about the others as he haven't been there due to his duty of being a king. He also told that there was always a storm in the remaining ocean and no one can get past it and come back ever no matter what their cultivation level is. The highest cultivation level that tried to go through was level 74; vital strengthening stage 4 and he didn't return till now.

Faes made a mental note to check that out later.

Faes noticed that as she learnt more about the world she also got exp however low and also only when she learnt something useful. She barely got any exp while learning politics and economics but while learning about geography and history she sure got it.

Few weeks passed with the same routine and faes managed to level up till level 20 thanks to the easy going meditation and exercises. Now she had to break through level 21 to enter soul and body merging stage. Even thought she can bypass this stage easily with exp but according to aiden it will put her in danger.

So faes was stuck with trying to figure out how to break through and merge body and soul