skipping levels in cultivation

After a few days of catching up till the cultivation as her cultivation was stuck due to lack of experience and aiden wont let her get much exp faes got worried and irritated.

Aiden was slightly happy with this as now he knew that faes can focus more on her skills than on leveling up. Aiden knew that the level was just a measure of ones capacity but real strength and power lies in skills. After all these days of trying and researching faes finally agreed with aiden that skills were more important.

He was now teaching her intermediate moves in both sword and shooting. One day faes finally had enough

"I will breakthought today no metter what I am now way ahead with the skills that my cultivation is lagging and I will match them soon." Faes said to aiden who looked at her amused but nodded as he knew it was truth.

Faes sat cross legged in the training room and closed her eyes trying to concentrate. Aiden knew that she will not want to be disturbed so he left to hunt some animals like he always do when faes meditates.

Faes concentrated trying to find a way to merge her soul and body in her past life memory as this world faes was stupid enough to ignore important things. Faes recalled reading some yoga and meditation books but cant think of a way to merge soul and body. So she began thinking 'if a soul and body gets merged the soul will be destroyed when a person dies and not get transmigrated like I did but the god promised her that if she completes the task he gave her he will send her to another world' if that was possible then the merging of soul and body was just an expression and the real process is something else. 'hmmm what could it mean?' faes got deep in thought trying to find what it really means.

Her mind again went to the novels and comics she read and various scenarios went off in her head. 'maybe it has something like soulmate?' she thought then dismissed the idea. She was too young for that! And even then soulmates are two people and have nothing to merge soul to body.

'if I remember there was a book in which a persons soul resonated with their body maybe its something like that?' a sudden thought came in her head and faes decided to try it.

Concentrating on her body she tried to sense its energy other than ki and magi particles. Every matter have energy so her body should have it too. She focused trying to find it and soon she felt like there is some radiation like energy in her body. She then concentrated on it and then tried to amplify it as it was low. Faes didn't knew how much time went as she tried to amplify the new energy and tried to keep it inside her body and flowing constantly.

Aiden had returned after he hunted two rabbits and went to check on faes. She was still sitting meditating just like he left her with her brows in a frown. 'she is really trying to find a way maybe I should have told her that its just an expression to resonate once soul to their body for better coordination and agility' aiden thought as he left her.

Faes could have done it if she tried to use spititual ki to alter and stabilize her body but now that she was focusing on doing it herself aiden would let her. If she wont be able to do it today he will just drop the hint.

Faes after completing the amplification and stabilizing the new energy in her body tried felt light. Like her body was free of any bonds that held it back, she opened her eyes and stood up trying to move the energy in her body mostly her legs and arms as she did some exercises. It was almost like faes can use the new energy to amplify her moves but after minutes her energy went low and she went back to resting.

'I have to do it more often maybe it can help me breakthrough and if not then it will be still better in case of emergency' faes thought as she caught her breath. After that she went back to meditating with a new idea.

She again focused on the energy and amplified it just like before then when it was abundant she began compressing it while continuing to amplify it. Soon it was getting more and more concentrated. When the energy was flowing in her body while in compressed form she slowly let it flow and nourish her body. She didn't knew what it was so she just called it energy.

After preparing dinner aiden came to check on faes who was still meditating and continuing the procedure again and again. Faes used the energy to amplify her movement while performing various exercises then meditated to amplify and refill her energy.

Aiden felt some changes as he focused on faes and that's when he noticed that faes was using some new kind of energy and it was a powerful one too. Aiden himself didn't knew what that energy was as he haven't noticed it before but now that he did he was confused. The new energy was low in the surrounding but even powerful than ki or magi particles.

Suddenly faes opened her eyes and a smile formed on her face. It was because she managed to level up not only by a single level but till level 25.

Aiden was again shocked as he felt her energy and checked her cultivation. 'this child never cease to amaze me' he thought proud of her to accomplish such a task in such short time. Normally it takes a month to level up but faes managed to get at peak of body soul merging stage just in little time.

'system how did I bypass this stage?' faes asked as she thought happily about her level up

[host you used the new energy to improve your body and movement without damaging either your soul or body and it helped you skip the levels] the system answered.

'but don't I need exp to level up?' she asked again confused

[host can level up by using cultivation methods also but they will be slower in comparision] the system informed making faes happy this means that if she gets the right idea about the cultivation levels then she can level up faster.

Faes then noticed aiden looking at her with a proud expression but when he noticed that she was looking at him he cleared his throat and giving her a serious look which made her roll her eyes at him.

'not again' she thought and just as she expected aiden began

"you have to work hard now that you jumped in your cultivation. It does not mean that your skills are improved too. You have to still practice" faes cut between aidens long speech as she made her way to him

"and improve your skills so that you can even fight with higher cultivation being and survive in this cruel world!" faes completed and then grinned at aidens weird expression. She liked pissing him off sometimes and this lecture she had heard many times from him.

"you brat I am your teacher and is this how you talk to me?" aiden asked red in his face

"sorry teacher I will be careful of my words next time" faes said bowing her head which made aiden satisfied but then she began giggling which just told him that she was joking.

"you las- nevermind" aiden sighed but then looking at happy face of his disciple he too turned happy.

"I know I have to improve and don't worry I wont let you down ever" faes said with a serious face and she meant it. Aiden had made a special place in her heart just like a father. He cooked for her, taught her, guided her, scolded her at her mistakes, even joked around with her! She would really like it if he became her father but he was poisoned and wont be able to live long even if she found a cure it would be too late.

"yeah yeah enough now go clean up and come have dinner we will focus on theoretical lessons for sometime now that you are lagging behind in those" aiden said as he walked out of training room ahead of her. Faes went to clean up but she knew aiden was happy for her and she took a vow in her heart that she would do anything he asked her to do.

After dinner faes was in her room in her space as aiden gave her remaining time to get used to the new strength but faes was tired and now she laid in bed checking her status

[ name:- faes monesterio

Age:- 9

Level :- 25

Cultivation:- soul and body merging stage 5

Exp- 350000/400000

Hp – 1250

Mp – 1250

Str- 332

Int- 335

Sta- 345

Agi- 334

Vit- 330



Ap- 125


Evaluation :- not bad]

'not bad?' faes didn't know what to make of this evaluation but then it was correct as she was still not very much strong. After that faes went to sleep satisfied about her progress.

She had gone from nothing to level 25; soul and body merging stage 5 in less than two months. If others knew about this cultivation speed and still not being satisfied they will puke blood.

Faes was resting while aiden was taking care of his egg. These two were happy in their own world while the real world was going on like usual but not for everyone

In altai kingdom royal palace dining hall

The royal family was having dinner just like usual except they were not happy. There were dark circles under their eyes and tiredness in their expression. The four people ate silently while thinking about their days.

The king augustus monesterio the queen Alicia monesterio and their other two children prince Alexander and princess nia were faes family. They have been searching for faes all this time but couldn't find her, it was as if she didn't existed in the first place.

"royal father how is the search going?" nia asked finally making the king who was about to take a bite of his food pause

"we found that she went south to the bay then took a ship towards the central continent after that she vanished and her watch is not responding" king augustus replied. He loved all his kids but specially faes who don't have any skills. He wanted her to be happy but she ran away now they don't even know if she is alive or not.

"she is alive royal father and will return soon" Alexander or alex said

"yes she will be fine otherwise she would have contacted anyone for help" queen Alicia assured her family

"but why would she run away were we not enough to keep her safe?" king augustus asked irritated.

"I will go to the port and nadar and look for her" nia announced

"and I will look for the reason why she would run away you don't need to worry anymore royal father royal mother" alex announced

Augustus looked at his two other kids and felt hope again that he will find his daughter again.

"I am counting on you both may you succeed to bring your sister safely back home" queen Alicia smiled at her kids

"I wont return until I have some news on sister but rest assured I wont get hurt and keep in touch" nia vowed

King augustus was a ki cultivator just like his son alex and had enormous strength while queen Alicia was a fire magic wielder and his daughter had ice magic. They were at high cultivation as augustus was on king establishment stage 3 queen Alicia was king establishment stage 1 prince alex was noble establishment stage 1 and princess nia was elites establishment stage 3.

The people are born at a certain stage due to their blood like a member of royal family of altai is atleast core development stage 1 while born and dragons are knight establishment stage 1when born but somehow when faes was born she didn't have any cultivation.

There were many rumors of her birth but they were just that rumors. King augustus know that faes was his child and will always be but even after she grew she didn't showed any skills. Even if someone cultivates ki they show some skill related to laws of nature like he himself uses law of water and prince alex uses law of wind. She was loved and cared by them all as they believed that she don't have any skills and they needed to protect her. But suddenly she vanished when she was just 8-9 years old. Even neoma was 13 and alex was 15 now they were not allowed to go away on their own without knights yet faes ran away. King augustus blamed himself as he didn't cared enough for her that she ran away and was also a little angry.

"see that you find her and also do not let your cultivation or studies get affected in the process" king augustus said and they continued eating dinner lost in their own thoughts.