side effects

Next day when faes woke up and did her regular exercises and had breakfast aiden informed her of something.

"we are going out to hunt" aiden said as they ate. He knew no matter how much he trains faes here real life battle will be better for gaining experience.

Faes was excited yet nervous as she knew she was not that powerful yet but also knew that this way she will gain lots of experience.

"alright I will get ready then" faes agreed and finished her food.

Going to her space she changed her clothes and wore her jewels. Taking her sword and bow and after tying her hair in a braid she went back to meet aiden. He was waiting for her at the wall or entrance of the cave in his regular attire.

"lets go" aiden said and opened the door. The wall opened and both he and faes stepped out. They walked till the opening of the cave when faes felt something was wrong. She stopped suddenly making aiden look at her in confusion which turned into concern looking at her pained expression.

Faes felt that the light was hurting her eyes and the sounds coming from the forest were too loud even the smell in the air wasn't as fresh as she thought it would be.

These all things were messing up her brain and hurting her. Faes clutched her head as it began aching a tear escaped her eye. 'damn its crazy! What's happening?' faes shouted in her mind

[host have heightened senses which are being affected after long time in artificial environment] the system told in a worried tone as it hovered around her.

'damn you god I didn't asked for this!' faes shouted but took a deep breath trying to clear her mind from the pain and find a way to control it.

"what happened?" aiden asked wiping the tears that escaped from faes closed eyes. He had come to like her as his own child and it hurt him looking at her pained expression. He was confused as there was nothing dangerous around yet it seemed like she was hurt.

"I have heightened senses and after long time inside they are being affected" faes said with clenched jaw as she tried to open her eyes blinking and shaking her head

"loud noises and too much light and smell damn" faes fell on her knees panting

Aiden looked at faes but he can only guide her as he cant do anything about this. He took the small girl in his lap and hugged her providing support as he tried to find a way to control the senses. He used air magic to blow the smelly air away first. He knew after the fight with demons the dead bodies will decompose but he wasn't bothered by it so he let it be after collecting important things and food items. He would have gotten rid of the smell long ago if he had known about this.

But he cant exactly do anything about the sound or light he can only shield faes from direct sunlight with his body blocking it.

Even if aiden thought that it was just a little help faes actually became better. With much less sunlight and smell it was way too better and this made her calm down considerably.

'I have to do something about it if I don't then I am doomed' faes thought as her headache became less.

"thank you" faes said to aiden who sighed in relief at her calming down but didn't let go. Faes thought for a long time in aidens lap about what to do and without her knowing she tuned out the sounds and other senses. Aiden noticing this was elated but he also wanted to hit faes right now. She clearly didn't know that she found a solution to her problem and was still thinking deeply about it.

"I think I know how to help you with this" aiden said waking faes up and also bringing her back to reality. Faes who had turned the senses off got up from aiden lap happily and asked "really what? Quick tell me, oh no not again" faes covered her ears as the sound began coming to her again. This actually made aiden wanting to laugh but he held back.

"try to focus only on the things you want to hear or see or smell and turn out every other thing" aiden suggested.

Faes sat in front of aiden and began to meditate focusing on the area around her and trying to differentiate between what she want to hear and what she doesn't. it sounded easy but was way too difficult. It took her an hour to just get rid of sounds of far away things and focus on a mile radius around her even then she was actually getting a headache. There were way to many beast in the forest and they all were making sounds along with the rustling of leaves due to wind.

Aiden watched as faes began concentrating and was pleased. He knew how difficult it can be to manage senses and watching faes do it quickly was a pleasing surprise for him. 'well its not like she isn't full of surprises' aiden rolled his eyes and laid down closing his eyes and going to sleep.

On other hand faes was beginning to sweat from the intense light and focus but she didn't give up. She continued to focus and soon got rid of the unnecessary sounds. It took her a few hours but she also managed to get rid of smell the same way aiden did. Using wind to deviate it but it wasn't easy. As the smell source was just around. So after a few tried faes got an idea and used wind to disperse the smell while using fire to burn the decaying matter around. 'it should take care of the source of the smell' faes nodded to herself pleased. Then about the light faes just got used to it as she haven't mastered using light and darkness.

'I seriously need to focus on using my magic and use it according to the concept' faes remembered a book she read in her past life in which the male lead was reincarnated in a magic world and he became powerful even when he was a low level due to his concept understanding.

As the fire and air were doing their work faes focused and began to understand the concepts of magic and elemental dao.

Fire is about heat and high temperature, it represents anger and will deal more damage. It will cause more damage when concentrated and increase in temperature. It is said to be used for purification too, when used in low intensity it can clean and cure wounds and soul.

Unknown to faes the fire around her changed as she began to understand the concept of fire. Till now she only learned how to use fire attribute or fire magic but this is the first time she took time to understand the concept. The fire which was burning freely began to change. It became calm and controlled only burning the dead and decaying matter and not the trees and other little insects. The temperature of the fire began to increase burning until not even ashes remained.

Aiden sensed the temperature change around him and became alert. Jumping in a protective stance he checked the area. Soon his alertness began to vanish and replacing with confusion then understanding and astonishment. He glanced at faes in surprise as he noticed her magic essence around.

'she learned the concept of fire this early!' aiden didn't knew that it was just the beginning.

As the fire vanished burning everything foul and cleaning the area around the remaining ash from initial procedure was being blown away. At that time faes went to concept of air

Air is about agility and speed. It can be gentle and sharp at the same time. It can be used to increase the speed, to form traps, and also in controlling nearby gases. Without oxygen a person would die if we control the air to form void it will become deadly. Condensed air can be used to deal more damage while calm and soft air currents can be used to trap and calm someone or something.

The air around the cave began flowing gently carrying the ash to few pits in the ground. While aiden had wide eyes watching faes when he felt soft cool wind blowing around him. It had a calming effect and felt good.

'first concept of fire now wind, what next?' aiden thought enjoying the cool breeze.

But to his disappointment faes opened her eyes and used earth magic to cover the ash and water to settle the area. Feeling satisfied faes turned to aiden who was watching her with a blank look on his face.

"sorry about that but lets continue our hunt" faes said

"I was initially thinking of letting you master the basic usage of magic first but who would have thought that you would understand the concept of wind and fire this early I have to change your training a bit now" aiden said. He indeed thought of first letting faes master her basic magic but he got surprised instead. Yet he wasn't angry but happy instead as now he can be assured that faes will be safe and well strong.

One have to know that not many people can understand concepts until they are king establishment or above. Even then it is just understanding not control while faes was just soul and body merging stage yet she did it.

'could it be because of her coming from different world?' aiden had a sudden thought and his curiosity grew about the world faes came from.

As they were walking in the forest faes had a blank look because now she have to go through more tough training while aiden was thinking about the world faes came from. Not able to contain his curiosity he finally asked

"what is your world like? The one where you came from"

Faes was surprised by the sudden question but still smiled after she saw aidens expression of interest

"its different from lore. It is called earth and only have one moon while this world have two. There is no magic and kingdoms. From what I know about this world on comparing the technology is about the same but it depends on chemicals and science while here it depends on magic" faes said not thinking much about it but focusing more on the sounds as they are now in forest and the sounds are increasing.

"how can they live without magic or qi? What do people do when beast attacks?" aiden cant understand how the people survive without magic and qi

"there are no beast just some wild animals and some pet animals. They live together in their area. Humans in cities while animals in forest and not disturb each other. If any animal attacks the forest guards just shoot it with bullets or tranquilizers. While hunting animals is banned" faes laughed at aidens unbelievable expression.

"I would love to visit that world once" aiden said and then focused on the task at hand.