The confrontation

She hoped that getting out and going to class would be good for her, though.

It had to be better than sitting around in her room all day, staring at her phone as it continued to go off. Anything was better than that.

When she arrived at the classroom a minute before class started, she looked down at the sea of students and immediately saw Elias in his seat.

He was glancing around, looking confused. She knew that he was looking for her. She didn't move from the doorway until she saw Dr. Pierce walk onto the stage. That was her cue.

She hurried to her seat, hoping that Elias somehow wouldn't notice her. That was pretty far-fetched, though, since she was sitting in the row right behind him.

She sat in her seat the moment he turned around in his own. Their eyes clashed for a second before she hurriedly looked away.

"Alyssa," he said, trying to subtly get her attention.