The Kiss

Suddenly, Elias cupped her face and pressed his lips against hers. He backed her up against the nearest wall, pressing her body back against it with his own.

Alyssa's first instinct was to jerk away in surprise, but his hands were so warm and inviting on her face.

His lips were so soft as they pressed soft touches to her own. She was confused, but she also felt like she was floating.

She rested her hands on his wrists, holding them tightly as she returned the kiss. She had only experienced a few kisses in her life, and they were mostly pecks.

They weren't anything as intense as this one, and she didn't want it to stop. She could do this forever.

Elias lightly dragged his teeth along her bottom lip before diving back into the kiss, stifling her surprised moan.

He smiled against her lips as his thumbs stroked her cheeks. He gave her a few more pecks before resting his forehead against hers.