Better than fine

"Better than fine," Alyssa told him with a smile. Her eyes fell to his lips, and she found herself leaning forward to gently kiss him again.

She felt her heart flutter when she felt him kiss her back. That was all she wanted to feel.

"I want to do something special with you," Elias suddenly said as he pulled back from her.

"What's that?" Alyssa asked him as she tilted her head. She was a mixture of excited and nervous to find out.

"Go on a date," Elias replied. His eyes seemed to search hers, waiting for her reaction.

Alyssa's eyes widened. She definitely wanted to go on a date with him.

Spending any time with him was fun, and now they got to add a little romance into the mix.

She couldn't think of anything better, and she wished they could go now.

"I'd love that," she told him. "Where would we go?"

Elias thought for a second before a wicked smile crossed his lips.