All alone

Alyssa reached up to grab the back of his neck, holding him close as their lips slotted together perfectly.

She closed her eyes, focusing on how good he tasted. She could kiss him forever if she had the choice to.

Elias cupped her cheek before moving to press her up against the side of his car.

His other hand roamed up her side as the world seemed to fall away around them. It was just them and no one else.

Alyssa could feel any sense of control she had start to burn away as his hands and lips graced her body.

It was so easy to fall into the sensations, to let them consume her whole. She felt that familiar feeling of his teeth tugging on her bottom lip. He knew that drove her crazy.

"You're making it very hard for me to leave," Elias murmured against her lips. His hands grabbed her hips, pulling them against his as they tangled together against his car.

Alyssa smiled as she curled her arms around his neck.