The call

The highlight of her week was a late night phone call with Elias on the last night of break.

The week was finally over, and she felt as prepared as she could be for exams. She didn't think she could stomach reading over the material again.

"How was seeing your family?" she asked him.

"They wanted to play 20 questions. They're pretty nosy," Elias replied.

Alyssa laughed lightly. At least his family cared enough to want to know about his life. She hoped that maybe he could get closer to his parents as he got older.

They were probably just overprotective right now. Then again, she didn't really know much about his family still.

"Maybe they just care," she said.

She couldn't remember a time when her parents bothered to try to care for her grades, unless they were trying to make her feel bad about something.

Most of the time, they didn't genuinely care to ask about anything going on in her life. Maybe that was for the best.