Christmas break

Alyssa shrugged, not trying to assume anything, but she didn't know that much about his childhood or his family.

He was still pretty mysterious about those things for some reason, but she tried not to pry in case there were sensitive topics he was trying to avoid. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"It's just… your car and your apartment… I just thought you came from a rich family," she admitted.

She hadn't brought this up before, but she supposed she should've expected it to come out eventually. It was hard to ignore when he had such nice things.

Elias nodded after a moment.

"My family… does have money. It's been in the family for decades," he replied. "I don't think my parents have someone specific in mind for me, and I wouldn't care if they did. I want you."

A small wave of relief crashed through Alyssa as she listened to him. At least he would choose her no matter what.